Modern Indian Architecture and the Emergence of a Post-Independence Discourse: The Case of Design Magazine (1957-1988)
Pappal Suneja
Architektur und Urbanistik
Theorie und Geschichte der modernen Architektur
Indian Architecture, Architectural Discourse, Magazine, Modernism, Postcolonial
Wie verändert Ihr Forschungsthema potentiell die Welt und warum sind Sie beim Posterwettbewerb dabei?
In my ongoing research, I am analyzing the Design (1957-1988) periodical in the context of “Historicization”, integrated into design research with emphasis on the reflecting mirrors of changing discourses related to Art, Architecture, and design. The Poster Contest is a good opportunity to conceive architectural archives as a symposium for ideating debates related to the architectural heritage of India. I am exploring its scope to develop a connection with the institutions dealing with topics of architecture to explore newer scenes of public engagement.
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