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Welcome to our IPN FM, where we are inviting Ph.D. candidates from Bauhaus community to tell us about times of doctoral research! The podcast would allow you to dive in your ears into life and experiences of doctoral candidates.
The Ph.D. life drives you crazy sometimes, too? This is why the motto of our podcast is: »Are you [sic!]?«. [sic!] is used in quotation to show the transcript was taken exactly as found in the source text including erroneous spelling, grammar, punctuation, conclusions etc.
We would like to make sure that you get the whole picture about Ph.D. life, therefore we go [sic!] and won’t leave out any error or glitch that have come across our ways. To give it an even further twist we turn from writing to talking, just [sic!]k...
In this spirit: Welcome to the Ph.D. department of insanity, join the club of [sic!] people and tune in!
Victor and Viola wanted to get glimpse of what it is like to be interviewed and on how to do a podcast at all. Tune in to Viola spontaneously interviewing Victor, weird crackle sounds, and Ph.D. octopuses.
Listen to Amayu's episode on IPN Podcast to find out his steps on reaching his dreams and goals, from down moments until big stages of success! In a world of pandemic, he and his research team have reached the spotlights! Tune in to get a glimpse of Amayu's PhD Life!
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