Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen
Professur für Modellierung und Simulation - Mechanik
THEMA: Computational Modeling and Design of Self-Healing Concrete
Why are you researching or studying at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
I am doing my research at the Bauhaus University Weimar as it gives good opportunities and freedom for international students to carry out their doctoral research. In addition, it is located in Weimar, a nice quite city with suitable living costs for students.
What is special about your project? Why is it relevant?
Self-healing concrete (SHC) received recently much interest because of its capacity to effectively heal fractures without human interventions, extending the operational life, and lowering maintenance costs of concrete structures. As a result, it has promising prospects for infrastructures which are not accessible otherwise. In this research, a computational modeling approach of SHC is developed to allow studying the physical phenomena that are challenging and difficult to investigate experimentally.
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