Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung
Professur: Public Art and New Artistic Strategies
Betreuer*in: Prof. Danica Dakić
Warum studieren Sie an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
The international MFA program brought me to Bauhaus University Weimar. During the past three semesters, I have studied with other international students. We discovered various strategies, the use of materials, and different mediums through many collaborations in classes and workshops. It was fortunate that I experimented with interdisciplinary art projects with artists from different academic backgrounds. The collaboration helped me to readjust my working process becoming critical about global and social correlations.
Was ist das Besondere an Ihrem Projekt?
'Campaign' as an artistic project has the potential to show a more comprehensive spectrum through the usage of different forms of media. It initiates public and communal resonance as well as social engagement and participation. Accordingly, I work with the form of 'Campaign' to develop Public Art as a utensil for social commentary and communication.
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