Fakultät für Architektur und Urbanistik
Urbanistik & Integrated Urban Development and Design (Master)
Bauhaus-Stipendium des Präsidenten für engagierte internationale Studierende
Why are you researching or studying at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
I enrolled in the Integrated Urban Development and Design program because it's a very strong program in the field of Urban Design. Besides, I like the city of Weimar and the University itself. I visited Weimar once in 2018 for a Workshop and decided that I would like to study here.
What characterises your voluntary commitment in Weimar?
I volunteer in the Bauhaus Internationals. I enjoy organizing events with my colleagues. Almost every weekend, we have a day trip to different places in Thuringia and Saxony, and on Fridays, we hold a Language Café. Currently, I am one of the responsible people for the organization of these excursions and the moderator of the Language Café.
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