Fakultät Medien
Professur für Philosophie audiovisueller Medien
THEMA: Cinematic Intuitions: Subjectivity-describing Structures in Cinematic Art
Stipendien für Promotionen und künstlerisch-gestalterische Projekte
Why are you researching or studying at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
One of the main components of my project is Artistic Research, i.e., using art itself as a form of methodical enquiry, pursuing embodied & subjective forms of knowledge, and the Bauhaus is at the forefront of the development and exploration of how far this idea can go and what forms it can take in several different media using all kinds of languages and in a multidisciplinary environment.
What is special about your project? Why is it relevant?
My project, titled "Cinematic Intuitions" is relevant because it centers on the practice of art-as-research specifically in the cinematic arts and it focuses on how the perceptual attraction of cinema –its essential status as an aesthetic language– can be a method for obtaining embodied knowledge about individual subjective experiences. Instead of focusing on its ideological and narrative properties, my project focuses on the practice of the cinematic arts as a language for the visualization of inner life: what we can call our own individual and unique "Umwelten".
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