Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen
Professur für Komplexe Tragwerke
THEMA: Prediction of Structural Response Modification Factory for Mixed Building Types
Stipendien für Promotionen und künstlerisch-gestalterische Projekte
Why are you researching or studying at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
The Bauhaus professors and Bauhaus Research Schools strongly believe in the development of scientific research and supporting the freedom of creative expression, which is why Bauhaus University Weimar was selected for my doctoral program.
What is special about your project? Why is it relevant?
To ensure the safety of multistory structures during a seismic event, engineers often use simplified design methods based on engineering judgments, which might lead to uneconomic structures, due to inherently oversimplification, especially in Mixed Structural Buildings. Consequently, this study will contribute to the validation of the simple analysis methods by using advanced numerical methods based on Probabilistic Performance-Based Design (PPBD) analysis. Thus, simple analysis methods will be further developed to become closer to adopting the most probable behavior of a mixed building type under seismic action.
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