Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung
Professur für Public Art and New Artistic Strategies
THEMA: 11m3 Projektraum
Thüringer Graduiertenförderung für ein künstlerisch-gestalterisches Projekt
Why are you researching or studying at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
The Master Program "Public Art and New Artistic Strategies" at Bauhaus-Universität, offered me an approach to relational art and other collaborative artistic practices that now converge in the development of my art project in an empty showcase in the center of Weimar.
What is special about your project? Why is it relevant?
Elf Em Drei Projektraum is an independent art space in front of the Bauhaus Museum that allows students and artists from Weimar to showcase their projects to the public. During a period of 3 weeks, the artists exhibit their projects there. We offer an official vernissage with social photos and additionally, the photo documentation of the exhibition itself. Elf Em Drei Projektraum is in many cases, the first solo exhibition venue for these artists. Seeing their work displayed in public allows them to get feedback and an opportunity to know in which direction the work should continue. We believe that a city with artistic and cultural production as prolific as Weimar deserves to have more spaces to show the artistic processes that are being carried out.
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