Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen
Professur für Modolierung und Simulation - Konstruktion
Numerical investigation of the influence of free-stream turbulence on motion- and vortex-induced vibrations of long-span bridges
1) Why do you research or study at the Bauhaus University?
Only a handful of universities offer a program focused on wind analysis of long-span bridges. Bauhaus University, specifically the MSK chair, stands out as an institution with a renowned team dedicated to advanced research on bridge aerodynamics. The university provides exceptional resources, including a wind tunnel facility, an in-house numerical solver, and a highly experienced group. These factors make Bauhaus University an ideal and unparalleled choice for those seeking to study this specialized subject.
2) What is special about your project, why is it relevant?
Slender structures, such as long-span bridges and high-rise buildings, are prone to wind-induced vibration. Even on a moderately breezy day, these structures experience significant oscillations, leading to structural damage. A notable instance of this occurred on May 5, 2020, when the Humen Bridge exhibited substantial wind-induced vibrations, rendering it temporarily inoperable. Given the current alarming climate change trends, conducting wind load analysis on slender structures becomes imperative. The focus of my research lies in comprehensively analyzing the wind loads on long-span bridges. The study systematically investigates the interplay between fluctuating wind forces and structural movement, critically assessing the accuracy of existing wind analysis models. Both experimental and numerical methods are employed to enhance the research's robustness. The ultimate objective of the study is to gain deeper insights into the intricate, nonlinear wind-structure interaction of long-span bridges.
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