Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung
Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (Master)
gefördert von der Johannes-Alexander-Schroth-Stiftung
What is special about your project, why is it relevant?
The image of two people swinging a rope is reminiscent of childhood worldwide. Between a performative action and a known game, the proposal aims to create a place where people could feel engaged with the space by jumping a rope.
By disrupting people's routines and giving them the chance to jump, the rope becomes a mechanism to connect them with the space and other people who pass by.
Games strategies allow negotiation, and promote new perspectives and divergent thinking. They also require cooperation and self-determination. In a particular way, games can "divide us.. define our social status and group membership" as working does. Hierarchies built when working can be destabilized through game structures. And that is exactly what Swinging the rope is looking for.
Even if people choose not to jump, they could play different roles. They could be viewers or "counters" (people who count the number of jumps from others), which is also a way to participate. Passive or active public recontextualizes the space through the interaction between the two people operating the action, the rope itself, the sound of the floor rhythmically beaten, and the room or chosen area, as well as other transients/jumpers/viewers.
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