Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik
Professur für Sozialwissenschaftliche Stadtforschung
The effects of urban Space quality in determining the value of squares use as public space: case of Weimar city
1) Why do you research at the Bauhaus University?
Weimar is a good small city with its architectural-cultural heritage and traditional urban pattern. As the city where the Bauhaus school started, its architectural character and identity is very important. Its structure and public spaces have many different features and it hosts many different users. Here, many studies are carried out on architecture and the city from different perspectives; While providing a rich research resource, it creates a very suitable and supportive space for interdisciplinary and international studies.
2) What is special about your project, why is it relevant?
The research is based on the public space-human interaction. It aims to reveal the necessary design and urban approaches to create livable, quality urban public spaces and to increase their use according to the needs of the citizens. Within this scope, analytical evaluations will be made through squares examples with different characteristics found in Weimar city. This study can provide data for the improvement, development and change of the squares and use values in all kinds of urban areas, ghettos and undeveloped districts with different identities.
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