Fakultät Kunst & Gestaltung
Studium Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (M.F.A)
Deutschlandstipendium, gefördert von Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Otten
Why are you studying at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
The open and interdisciplinary curriculum at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has led me to explore mediums and technologies I hadn’t initially considered. The experimental approach of the Media Art and Design program, along with the support from professors, has encouraged me to build skills well beyond my background in interaction design. Through this program, I’ve found new interests in speculative design, game development, and interactive storytelling, each expanding my creative capabilities in ways I hadn’t anticipated.
What characterises your voluntary commitment in Weimar?
I am a curatorial member of the university gallery initiative Marke.6, where we have been working towards bringing student exhibitions from Bauhaus University to life, the recent one being the Lyonel Kunst Preis 2024. I am also an elected representative of the FsR Art and Design, and have been involved in improving the student experience in the Art and Design faculty of the university.
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