Fakultät Kunst & Gestaltung
Bauhaus-Startstipendium für den Einstieg in die Promotion
1) Why are you researching at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
Studying at the Bauhaus-Universität enables an exploration of context and ongoing questioning. Here, I could focus on the debate of public spaces as a political scenario, sensitive and intellectual. I cross my interests between body, visuality, and literature with other questions and people that strengthen my academic and professional bases.
2) What is special about your project? Why is it relevant?
Based on my experience living with HIV, my research focuses on viruses and biopolitics to bring affection and care where the system has set discrimination and fear. Here, I push myself and the boundaries of different artistic expressions like performance, cinema, writing, and new media to create a more open and diverse understanding of our current social issues. With my proposal, I blend linguistic features to point out its biopolitical essence to complaint two human foundations: the cultural need of express and the right to live.
3) If applicable: What characterises your voluntary commitment in Weimar?
In my experience, combining art-making and researching allowed me to project my inner questions towards diverse communities. For instance, performing an international master´s degree in Weimar offered me an exploratory and questioning environment and specialized knowledge that pushed my intellect to use art as an apparatus of dialogue, creation, and change. Furthermore, the perspective of the German academy allows me to observe my Latin American background with intracultural interest.
contact: https://camilolondono.net/
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