Fakultät Kunst & Gestaltung
Bauhaus-Stipendium für Studierende
1) Why are you studying at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
I came to the Bauhaus first as an Erasmus in 2021. This gave me the chance to experience first-hand the MFA PANAS, and allowed me to explore different possibilities and methodologies of art making, which are more collective and horizontal, and that I was working towards without having any point of reference. For this reason I decided to come back as a full time student, to explore, learn and think together with my peers how to make art more democratic, accessible, and all-in-all a practice that belongs to everyone and not just a few.
2) What is special about your project? Why is it relevant?
These are two examples that show how my practice has been slowly evolving to include more elements of activism and public participation.
The first image is the latest project I made together with my friend and colleague Belén Arellano Cañizares within the frame of my Bauhaus Module 'Cultural Workers Strike'. It is a fictitious complaint office set on campus during Summaery 2024, and its goal was to celebrate complaining as a way of making the world more fair for those who do not have the right to speak out or are silenced. This came as a creative response to certain issues regarding University Politics and our program.
The second image is a small performance I made as public space research for the Bauhaus Module, in which I handed a manifesto of the exhausted artist, while embodying the contemporary over-exploited cultural worker. The subject of art workers right has been a line of work that I've been developing since my Bachelor's thesis, and with my students we explored public space as central platform for demanding rights.
3) If applicable: What characterises your voluntary commitment in Weimar?
I am actively engaged in University Politics being one of the student representatives of the MFA PANAS. I work in the International Office supporting with Incoming Students, which is of course a job, but I take it wholeheartedly to support any kind of issue that our Incoming Students may be having, I want to make their stay in Weimar as welcoming and smooth as possible, even if it takes extra effort that the job does not require. I do voluntary work with children in teaching art related subjects, and my whole practice is based in engaging with the community, public space and in general democratizing art so that everyone can take part in its production.
Link or contact address: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sybhJXwQUdvaJjI7ONyIM-77SqLaLJIh/view
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