Fakultät Architektur & Urbanistik
Bauhaus Promotionsabschlussstipendium
Why are you researching at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
I chose to continue my research at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for several reasons. Having completed my Master's degree here,during my study I have the experience with the department's openness to exploring innovative and diversified research topics. The university consistently shown a supportive attitude towards international students, addressing their unique contextual challenges through discussions and providing financial assistance such as scholarships and funds.
Moreover, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar offers a wide range of opportunities for personal and professional development beyond the academic curriculum, fostering a holistic growth environment. The institution's commitment to creating a truly international atmosphere enriches the academic experience, making it an ideal place for pursuing advanced studies. This combination of academic freedom, supportive infrastructure, and a global environment has made Bauhaus-Universität Weimar an excellent choice for continuing my doctoral research.
What is special about your project? Why is it relevant?
My research focuses on promoting social inclusion by ensuring accessibility to housing, particularly addressing the limitations faced by individuals with physical disabilities. This study is unique in the context of Dhaka, as the role of accessible housing in facilitating social inclusion has not been previously explored or examined in this developing country's setting.
The relevance of my research lies in its emphasis on integrating marginalized individuals into society. As an architect, I recognize my professional responsibility to advocate for and implement accessibility in architectural practices, thereby giving a voice to those who are often overlooked. By addressing these critical issues, my research aims to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society by giving recommendation in policy level.
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