Stipendium des Präsidiums
für engagierte internationale Studierende
MediaArchitecture (Master)
Fakultät Architektur & Urbanistik
1) Why are you studying at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar?
I chose to study at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar because of its legacy in merging art, architecture, and social innovation—an approach that resonates deeply with my personal and professional aspirations. The university’s interdisciplinary framework, especially within the MediaArchitecture program, allows me to explore the intersection of design, technology, and social studies, which are central to my interests. My first time being in Weimar during the 2018 Bauhaus Summer School and the experience of living in this museum-like city and the calm surrounding nature inspired me to return for my master’s here.
2) What is special about your project, why is it relevant?
The university provides an ideal setting to explore my research interests, particularly how architecture influences social behavior and community dynamics. The university’s commitment to fostering creativity and innovation within a supportive, collaborative environment offers the resources and mentorship necessary to develop a meaningful and impactful master’s thesis. Weimar’s unique cultural atmosphere, contrasted with the cities I’ve lived in before, contributes to an accessible and enriching socio-academic experience that aligns with my goal of using architecture to enhance social well-being.
3) If applicable: What characterises your voluntary commitment in Weimar?
My commitment in the university is focused on community building, inclusivity, and social engagement alongside academic support. Since my third semester, I have been actively involved in university advisory and support system, including serving as a welcome and project tutor, where I helped new students plan their studies and integrate into university life. My role extended beyond academic support, as I joined the team of StudyGuides and Netzwerk Welcome Weimar. I organised many events and workshops, and provided personal consultations among both local and international students. This commitment to community has also seen me work for not only students but also refugees in weimar, aiding their integration into the community.
Besides being involved and in touch with many different initiatives, I mainly focused on coordination of communication and events for Netzwerk Welcome Weimar, by organising programs that support everyone but mostly those who were looking for integration by participating in free german courses (Wortschatz), political education (Workshop), and social events (Essen für Alle). My work in the university is driven by a desire to create inclusive spaces where everyone, regardless of background, feels supported and valued. This blend of academic, social, and political engagement not only enriches my own experience but also strengthens the fabric of the Weimar community, reflecting my dedication.
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