Date: August 30 and 31, 2017
Venue: Oberlichtsaal, Hauptgebäude (Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8a, 99423 Weimar)
Significant architectural works of art and urbanism products have been destroyed and forgotten in the past since contemporary creatures lack of recognition and protection by law – in particular in the Middle East and North Africa. What we create today will be of interest for the next generations and modern architecture can be instructive and of high importance for humans of the same era. It is our responsibility to preserve and document modern heritage.
The Young Bauhaus Research Conference (YBRC) "Modern Heritage in the MENA region" aims to highlight the challenges faced by architects, urbanists and engineers identifying, preserving, and documenting modern heritage, including the role of new technologies in this process. It will also cover perspectives and approaches taken by researchers from further scientific fields. The place for the conference – the main salon of the university's main building which was designed by Henry van de Velde, built between 1904 and 1911, and was the birthplace of state Bauhaus school in 1919 – has a large symbolic importance carrying out a debate on modern heritage.
The conference invites to engage in a multidisciplinary discussion and to explore new approaches and strategies regarding the different aspects of “Modern Heritage”. It focuses mainly on the 19th and 20th century legacy of architecture and urban planning in the Middle East and North Africa. This conference brings to attention the susceptibility of heritage of modern movement in the MENA region which is caused by socio-economic and political conditions.
The event is organized by a multidisciplinary group of young researchers of Bauhaus University Weimar, supervised by Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Meier, (Chair of Conversation and History of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism).
If you have any queries regarding the conference, please contact:
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