Professional Experience
Dipl.-Ing. in Structural Engineering, Universität Karslruhe
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Massivbau und Baustofftechnologie der Universität Karlsruhe bei Prof. J. Eibl
Postdoc am Fraunhofer Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik-Fraunhofer (Ernst Mach) bei Prof. K. Thoma
Doktorarbeit: Numerische Untersuchungen zum Fragmentierungsverhalten von Beton mit Hilfe der SPH-Methode
Postdoc an der Northwestern University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Group of Computational Mechanics, Evanston, Illinois, USA bei Prof. T. Belytschko
Postdoc am Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik, Fakultät für Maschinen- bau, Technische Universität München, bei Prof. W.A. Wall
Senior Lecturer an der University of Canterbury, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Christchurch, New Zealand
since 02/2009
Univ.-Professor an der Bauhaus University of Weimar, Lehrstuhl Mechanik- Modellierung und Simulation, Institut fu¨r Strukturmechanik, Fakult¨at Bauingenieurwesen
Editorial Memberships
Editorial Board Mitglied einiger internationaler Zeitschriften wie ’Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering’, ’Composite Structures’, ’Computational Materials Science’, ’Finite Elements in Analysis and Design’, ’Computers & Structures’, ’Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics’, ’Engineering with Computers’.
since 01/2015
Executive Editor von ’Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering’ (Journal of the Chinese Academy of Engineering) (IF=2.37)
since 09/2016
Associate Editor von ’International Journal of Impact Engineering’ (IF=4.208)
since 03/2018
Editor-in-chief von ’Computers, Materials & Structures’ (CMC) (IF=3.772)
since 01/2021
Associate Editor von ’Applied Physics A’ (IF=2.584)
since 2022
Associate Editor von ’International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design’ (IF=4.011), ’Underground Space’ (IF=2.824) und ’Defense Tech- nology’ (IF=3.172)
Other Memberships
since 2014
Member des Modeling Market Place (MMP) Working Group of the European Materials Modeling Council (EMMC)
since 2015
Member of the EU Academy of Sciences
Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Member of the European Academy of Science
Member of the Academia Europaea
Activities as reviewer
Reviewer fu¨r ca. 50 internationale Zeitschriften
since 2009
Reviewer fu¨r einige ’Funding Agencies’ einschliesslich der DFG, ERC (Eu- ropean Research Council), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Independent Research Fund Denmark, CSF (Czech Science Foundation), FWF (F¨orderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung) in Austria, the Re- search Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering at the Academy of Finland, the U.S. Army Research Office, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), ANR French Research Agency, FWO Expertpanel member Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (Belgium), Panel Member of ’La Caixia’ Fellowships (Spain).
Research Grants: EU - FP7/H2020
Coordinator and Scientist in Charge of a Marie-Curie International Incoming Fellowship (IIF)
Coordinator of the FP7-ITN INSIST
Coordinator of the FP7-IRSES grant MultiFrac
Research Grants: DFG
up to now
2 Sachbeihilfen as Co-PI, 9 Sachbeihilfen as PI, 5 Internationale Kooperationsprojekte, 1 Projekt ’Europäische Nachwuchsakademie’, Mitglied unseres ehemaligen DFG Graduiertenkollegs ’Modellqualit¨aten’.
Other Research Grants
seit 2022
Host for the Humboldt Postdoctoral Scholar (2 years) Saurev Sharma seit 2020 Mitglied des Projektes der Carl-Zeiss Stiftung ’Durchbrüche - Exzellenz in der Forschung’
Host of Dr. Hasan Aladad (Philipp Schwartz-initiative – for threatened foreign researchers – of the Humboldt Foundation)
Nominator and Host of the Humboldt Prize Winners Prof. Hehua Zhu, Tongji University, Shanghai, China and Prof. Guirong Liu, University of Cincinatti, USA
Host for the Georg-Forster Scholar (2 years) Jahed Naghipoor
DAAD PPP Spanien with UPV (Barcelona)
BMBF SUA 10/042 with WITS in South Africa
ARC-DAAD with Cardiff University
Research Interests
Computational Mechanics (Computational Solid Mechanics and Computational Fluid-Structure-Interaction) with focus on numerical methods for the solution of partial differential equations
Computational Materials Design
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
Challenging applications in engineering and materials science including modeling and computational design/optimization of composites, flexoelec- tric materials, 2D materials and battery materials.
Biomechanical Engineering (biomembranes and vesicles)
Completed PhD thesis as main supervisor
up to now
Completed 38 PhD students
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