
Newsletter 05.2024

1. Night of Writing 2024 on June 13th at the University Library

How do I get into writing, be it alone or with others? What can go wrong with an academic paper? How do I prepare for the final presentation of my art project? What do I need to know before publishing my texts? How do I accurately describe my project for a funding application or an event catalogue? And how creatively do I actually write?
This year's Night of Writing will be about both success and failure as an irreducible part of the writing process. As different as university disciplines may be, they almost all share writing as a cultural technique and articulation practice: writing takes place in many different ways at our university and in all areas of society.
We invite all interested parties to the 10th Night of Writing at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The library will be open until midnight. The program and more information can be found on the event's website for Night of Writing.

2. »Gildenhall 1921-1924: Siedlungskultur am Ruppiner See« - Exhibition tour with discussion on June 13th

Take the opportunity to visit the exhibition »Gildenhall 1921-1924: Siedlungskultur am Ruppiner See« on the library’s lower floor until June 14th. As part of this year's »Night of Writing« on June 13th, a guided tour of the exhibition will take place at 9 pm, to which you are cordially invited. In a subsequent discussion, Michael Siebenbrodt, Junior Professor Grischa Bertram and Senior Professor Max Welch Guerra (both from the Chair Spatial Planning and Spatial Research) will talk to interested parties about historical and current »settlement impulses«. Weimar is an exciting place for this topic with typical examples ranging from the unrealized Bauhaus housing estate to the large housing estate north of Schwanseebad, the Nazi housing estates in Freiligrathstraße and Schöndorf, housing estates from the GDR era in the north and west of Weimar and the projects after 1990 »Neues Bauen Am Horn« as well as next to the hospital and on Rosenthalstraße (Schlachthofgelände) with a view to today's perspectives on solving the housing issue.

3. »Postkarten aus der Ukraine« - (Postcards from Ukraine) - new exhibition

From June 3rd to July 4th, the exhibition »Postkarten aus der Ukraine« - (Postcards from Ukraine) will be on display in the foyer of the library and lecture hall building (Steubenstraße 6). Using selected examples, it documents the destruction of Ukrainian culture caused by the war that Russia has been waging on Ukraine since February 24th, 2022.
The exhibition was put together by the association »Ukrainische Landleute in Thüringen« based in Erfurt and is supported by the Ukrainian Institute, counterpart of the Goethe-Institut in Ukraine, among others.
At the exhibition opening on June 3rd at 5 p.m., Ivan Gotra from the association »Ukrainische Landleute in Thüringen« and  Dr. Frank Simon-Ritz, library director of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, will speak.
For two years now, the University Library has been offering a collection of literature on Ukraine that sheds light on political, historical and cultural developments. The books are located on the lower level of the new library building and can be borrowed.

4. Discarded library books for fair prices - Book sale on June 5th and 6th

Many interesting titles from various academic fields had to make room in the library and are now waiting to be rediscovered on your bookshelf. We look forward to your visit on June 5th and 6th, between 10 AM and 3 PM in the upper library foyer. Make sure you have your thoska ready because for the first time this year, you have the option to pay cashless when buying books. By purchasing, you support the library at the same time, as the proceeds will be used to buy new books or updated editions for the library collection.

5. Bauhaus University Weimar's Open Access Policy Updated

The Open Access Policy of the Bauhaus University Weimar, adopted in December 2016, was updated in spring 2024 and published online. The updates were approved by the presidency of the Bauhaus University Weimar on April 17, 2024. The Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen (Digital Library of Thuringia) was included in the policy as an online publication service, as well as the Satzung zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher und künstlerischer Praxis an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (statute adopted in 2023 to ensure good scientific and artistic practice at the Bauhaus University Weimar). Visit our website to learn more about Open Access at the Bauhaus University Weimar.

6. »Signaturen der Vielfalt« (Signatures of diversity) - University Library funds another monograph in Open Access

Cover of the publication »Signaturen der Vielfalt. Autorinnen der Sammlung Varnhagen« (Signatures of diversity. Women authors of the Varnhagen Collection). © V & R unipress

As part of the DFG funding program »Open-Access-Publikationskosten« (Open Access Publication Costs), the University Library Weimar was able to co-finance a second Open Access book with 5,000 euros in funding. The anthology »Signaturen der Vielfalt. Autorinnen der Sammlung Varnhagen« was edited by Jadwiga Kity-Huber and Jörg Paulus and published by V & R unipress. The publication was produced as part of the research and cooperation project Schriftstellerinnen aus der Sammlung Varnhagen – Briefe, Werke, Relationen  (Women Writers from the Varnhagen Collection - Letters, Works, Relations) of the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Jagiellonian University Krakow, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (German Research Foundation) and the Polish research organization Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN), which was dedicated to the indexing and analysis of extensive, still largely unpublished corpora of letters and manuscripts of works by German women writers from the period around 1800. The publication is also available in the Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen (Digital Library of Thuringia).
The DFG's current Open Access funding supports book publications from DFG-funded research projects with up to 5,000 euros. Further information on the funding conditions can be found on our Open Access website.

7. New information website on ORCID

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 that issues ORCID iDs since 2012. These iDs consist of 16 digits in blocks of four and serve researchers as a unique identifier. The associated ORCID profile allows researchers to collect information on publications, research datasets, conference contributions, and other outputs. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar recommends that its researchers register with ORCID, actively work with their own ORCID iD and use it for publications and third-party funding applications.
Have we piqued your interest? Detailed information, further advantages of ORCID iD and contact persons can now be found on our new ORCID information website.

Stefanie Röhl