Titel : | Excavating other (sub)Versions: THE PROCESS OF COMMEMORATION |
Name des Lehrenden : | Elizabeth Glauer |
Aufstellung : | Aufstellung bis 15.02.2010 Limona Empore |
Verfasser, Titel | Signatur | Bemerkung |
Art and the public sphere | Ie 8081/12 | |
Bennett, Jill: Empathic vision | Ig 4820/23 | |
Diaspora, Memory, Place | Ih 1400/23 | |
Eric', Zoran: Art as the critical reflection of the public sphere | Cc 8272/1 | |
Finkelpearl, Tom: Dialogues in public art | Ie 8081/9 | |
Gender in conflicts | 239 181 | |
"Grund zu erinnern" | Iv UllmMic/2 | |
Das Harburger Mahnmal gegen Faschismus = The Harburg monument against fascism | Iv GerzJoc/8 | |
Heritage, memory and the politics of identity | 233 861 | |
Jordan, Jennifer A.: Structures of memory | Mo 1000Bln/127 | |
MacCannel, Dean: The tourist | Dm 3082/2 | |
Moment to monument | 239 121 | |
Parr, Adrian: Deleuze and memorial culture | Bo DeleGil/53 | |
Rebecca Horn | Iv HornReb/6 | |
The practice of public art | le 8081/16 | |
Through the 'net | Iv GerzJoc/20 | |
Wertsch, James V.: Voices of collective remembering | Elektronische Ressource | |
Why Weimar? | Mo 1000Wmr/33 | |
Wood, Nancy: Vectors of memory | 239 552 | |
Zermahlene Geschichte | Ie 1500/10 |
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