
Published: 01 June 2021

Graduate Student wins 1st prize for Digital Fabrication Project!

Lukas Kirschnik won first prize in the young talent competition "Auf IT gebaut" with his Master Thesis on Digital Blockhouse Fabrication.

In the young talent competition for innovative, digital solutions in the construction industry "Auf IT gebaut", Lukas Kirschnick, a graduate in the Master of Architecture at Bauhaus University Weimar, took first prize in the architecture category. Lukas' thesis "Digital Blockhouse Fabrication - Experimental exploration of digital design and fabrication methods for blockhouse construction" was supervised by Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider, Prof. Dr. Jan Willmann, Dr.-Ing. Stephan Schütz. The award ceremony took place digitally on June 1, 2021.

The jury says:

"The special feature of the project is the combination of computer-aided design and manufacturing methods into a digital process chain. The work involves different disciplines (architecture, manufacturing technology, computer science, building construction) and goes beyond previous approaches to the digitization of construction by, among other things, making the question of resources itself an issue and at the same time bringing new - sustainable as well as digital - forms of practice (including corresponding value chains) into play."

For more information, check the competition's website "Auf IT gebaut".

Digital Blockhouse Fabrication - Lukas Kirschnik (Master Thesis, 2020)

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