
Edible Modernism - Algorithm-based spatial exploration of Urban Agriculture in Brasília

Master Thesis by Luisa Correa de Oliveira
Study Programme Integrated Urban Development & Design

In this Master Thesis Luisa Correa de Oliveira uses parametric analysis tools to investigate potentials of urban agriculture in the modernistic city of Brasilia.

Edible Modernism - Luisa Correa de Oliveira (IUDD Master Thesis, 2020)

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The master thesis is a research-based design exploration responding to resources consumption and food provision challenges through an Urban Agriculture lens in Brasília. The aim is to promote social-spatial inclusiveness trough a better spatial distribution for land access, integration with water and waste flows, and local food production.

Specifically, the thesis relies on literature review, case studies and analyses to support creating a framework, consisting of a set of spatial relations operationalized parametrically through maps and heatmaps. These simulations inform, in multiple scales and through different typologies, where urban agriculture elements would be ideally located to perform well, therefore fulfilling the strategy’s goals, given their relation to everything else around them.

Ultimately, all these simulations bring an overview of a possible spatial configuration of institutionalized urban agriculture elements taking into account their integration in the existing urban fabric and the least environmental impact. Such knowledge is useful in future stakeholder interactions regarding urban food production and to bring awareness to the local debates of urban resilience and food justice.

More information can be found here: ediblemodernism.com


Thesis PDF - Edible Modernism