Seminar | 1.FS.M.Sc.EU/ M.SC U./ M.Sc.A. | Dr. des. Maria Frölich-Kulik, M.Sc. (ir.) Jonas Langbein | 3ECTS | 2SWS
The seminar "Urban Landscapes - mapping approach within large scale planning processes" focuses on dealing with the "Raumbild" as an informal spatial planning instrument in large-scale and regional contexts. "Raumbilder" are images based on cartographic methods, revealing complex interrelations, networks of actors and processes of change within a region with the goal of describing possible futures for regional developments.
Within the Seminar Urban Landscapes, "Raumbilder" will be approached as a spatial instrument theoretically as well as practically. To understand how "Raumbilder" can help us in the process of planning and designing, existing "Raumbilder" as a mapping approach within large scale planning processes will be theoretically reflected regarding their backgrounds, strategic aims, involved actors, spatial impacts etc. Against this background, a "Raumbild" will be developed in an impromptu design using the example of the "rurban Landscape" of Thuringia.
DATE: fridays, 9.15 - 10.45 am
START: 05.11.2020, 5pm
EXCURSION: 06.11.2020
ROOM: Belvedere Allee 7B (B7B)
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