Thesis Archive

Published: 30 September 2020

{} : An Exploration of Discursive Practice and Production

What are the frontiers of architectural and digital spaces and practices in an era of decentralized communication and platform ecologies? Centered around processes and products, {} looks at the production of discourse through three vectors: networked discursive interface, material production of discourse objects, the human space of engagement. Each build up a new understanding of the architectural as medium design.

IMAMS Master-Thesis SuSe 2020

Grayson Daniel Bailey



Professur Interface Design (BUW)

Vertr. Prof. M.F.A. Jason Reizner 

Architecture / Media Studies (University at Buffalo)

Ass. Professor Mark Shepard


{} is an engagement with the dialetheic condition of the discursive field, an oscillation between incoherent overdetermination and coherent delimitation, without attempting to hierarchically simplify discourse into underlying parts or overriding assemblies.

Asynchronous and collaborative discourse implies a breaking down of the inherited practices which privilege final-formats and static discourse objects, substituting an interminable negotiation between withdrawn surplus and the momentary isolation of discursive “states”. The discourse, similar to any database or quantum object, cannot be judged in terms of completion, and can only be examined or measured through attenuation and intervention.

Disrupting any chance for a linear organization of discourse, {} is a dissolution of meta-structure into the flat ontology of discursive unit objects. In contrast to the values of data fetishism, non-authorial contribution and the negation of resolved outcomes resist unitary metrics and performatively enact the conditions of “unfixity” within discursive exchange.


Discourse Interface


Thesis Document