Exploring Suburbia, An Investigation of Suburbanism and Suburbanization in Amman
While there are endless dissertations and studies which concern the city and its spatial structure, little attention has been given to their marginal counterparts. This “In-Between-City" (Sieverts, 1997) may not be every planner's dream, but its existence and significance is unquestionable. Schönig emphasizes on the study of suburbanism by stating that "it will be of eminent importance as a field of action for urban planners in future, as it is there that we face major challenges of urban development" (Schönig, 2015).
Jordan, and generally the Middle East, acquires little understanding of the processes of urbanization, or the 'urban revolution' as described by Lefebvre (2003). This thesis aims to understand the processes of suburbanization and the produced suburbia in the Middle East through Amman, also known as the city of Refugees (Ghul, 2007), highlighting the role of suburbia in sustainable urban growth.
Mazen Alazazmeh is an architect and PhD candidate at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Experiences in Exterior Architecure, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning in Jordan, Germany, and Belgium allowed the author to develop a wider perspective on his home-city Amman. His research interests include gentrification, suburbanization and social inclusion.
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (05.2020-04.2023)