Together with numerous cooperation partners (in particular in the past with the Gropius Professorship), the Professorship periodically organises and publicises academic conferences, most notably the International Bauhaus-colloquia. It designs and organises exhibitions and oversees a number of publications in the Weimar University Press, such as the series »VERSO zur internationalen Architekturtheorie« (VERSO on international architectural theory) and, to date, nine special features in the scientific journals of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Fundamental points
It should be noted that if you decide to complete a final project in our Professorship, it may also be ›interpreted‹ against you; even if you have studied architecture, you will now have to prove your knowledge again. In ›standard cases‹, it should be based on the design.
This is more applicable to Master’s theses than to Bachelor’s theses, as on the one hand, Bachelor’s theses are smaller in scope — and the design prepared during the 5th core module may also count as a final project — and on the other hand because your studies continue afterwards.
Should you decide to do a written Master’s thesis, this determines a direction that you must be clear about. It does not necessarily mean burning any bridges, but it may be the case that you are eliminated from the running for certain positions.
Regardless, you should ask yourself why you are choosing not to produce a design. That being said: if that does not put you off the idea, if you have carefully considered it and still come to the conclusion that you would rather think theoretically about architecture and write something, you are still welcome here.
What topics should I focus on? First and foremost, choose topics that ›move‹ you. You do not necessarily have to know exactly what you want, but you should already have a topic in mind. However, you can always contact us for topic suggestions!
Bachelor theses
A list of exemplary Bachelor’s theses from recent years on the topic of Theory and History of Modern Architecture can be found here:
Paul Knopf, 2021
Der Versuch einer ökologischen Architektur
Berke Inöntepe, 2021
The Curve in Architecture: From Organic Functionalism to Digital Avant-Garde
Ferdinand Rinke, 2020
Inszenierung in Hochhauslobbies
Allan Cifuentes Waidelich, 2020
LICHTARCHITEKTUR Eine Studie zu Joachim Teichmüller mit Fokus auf seine Versuchsräume in der Düsseldorf-Ausstellung 1926 für Gesundheitspflege, soziale Fürsorge und Leibesübung (kurz Gesolei).
Katharina Kohring, 2019
Vergleichende Analyse zweier Planstädte in unterschiedlichen politischen Systemen Brasília, SQS 308 – Hoyerswerda, WK 1
Jolande Kirschbaum, 2019
Der ehemalige Gefängniskomplex Bijlmerbajes
Jonathan Jaschinski, 2019
Macht- und Widerstandsstrategien in Ernst Mays modernistischer Architektur in Ostafrika
Moritz Dittrich, 2018
Digitale Virtualität - abstrahierter städtischer Raum im Spiel "Assassins Creed: Syndicate"
Franziska Mühlbauer, 2018
Die Neue Altstadt in Frankfurt am Main. Konzept und beispielhafte Bauanalyse
Natalie Burkhart, 2018
Die Rezeption des Neuen Bauens und der Amsterdamer Schule am Beispiel jüngerer Wohnungsbauten in den Niederlanden
If you are interested in writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in "Theory and History of Modern Architecture", please contact our team to agree on an appropiate topic.
Master theses
A list of exemplary Master´s theses from recent years on the topic of Theory and History of Modern Architecture can be found here:
Louis Oehler, 2021
Räume der ästhetischen Erfahrung in Games und Architektur
Katharina Thurow, 2021
Shapes of Data Infrastructure. Three Essays
Lara Schuster, 2021
Disappearing Offices - Scenarios
Diego Antonio Carvallo Tapia, 2021
Walter Peterhans. Vom Stillleben zum Visual Training.
Clara Blasius, 2020
-esk -ismus. Über das Sammeln und Verwerten von historischen Referenzen.
Current Ph.D.
Louis Oehler, seit Dezember 2021
»Architekturen des Augenblicks. Raum und Zeit in Videogames.«
Sam Koh, seit Oktober 2021
»Cosmologies of Platform Urbanism«.
Pappal Suneja, seit Mai 2021
»Modern Indian Architecture and the Emergence of a Post-Independence Discourse: The Case of Design Magazine (1957–1988)«.
Guido Campi, seit März 2021
»A Decade of Radical Ecology Thinking. Systems Design in South America, 1965–1975«.
Gefördert von der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Reem Saad Sardina, seit Dezember 2020
»Concepts of the ›Everyday‹ in Architecture«.
Jennifer Raum, seit Oktober 2020
»Das Utopische als Entwurfsmethode. Bildung von Wertvorstellungen zukünftiger Architekturpraxis«.
Gefördert von der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
Thomas Alsheimer, seit Oktober 2020
»Schwingende Strukturen & Konstruierte Choreographien – Vom gebauten und tanzenden Leib und seiner Resonanz mit dem Raum«.
Inés Toscano, seit Dezember 2019
»Couplings’ Tactic: A Study of Intimate-Creative Labour Strategies in Architecture«.
Gefördert von der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
Completed Ph.D.
Christina Anna Kloke, 2015
»Das Manifest als Medium der Rezeptionssteuerung im Architektur- und Designdiskurs.«
Gutachter: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Hans-Rudolf Meier, Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Carsten Ruhl
Peter Vormweg, 2013
»Die Entwicklung der Neugotik im westfälischen Kirchenbau von den Anfängen gotischer Stilrezeption bis zur dogmatischen Phase.«
Gutachter: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Georg Lippert (Technische Universität Dresden), Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Hans-Rudolf Meier
Haie-Jann Krause, 2011
»Kallmeyer und Facilides. Eine Architektengemeinschaft im Kontext ihrer Entwicklung
von konservativen Gestaltungstendenzen zur Baukunst der Moderne.«
Gutachter: Prof. i.R. Dr. phil. habil. Dieter Dolgner (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle), Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Carsten Ruhl
Colloquium for doctoral candidates
The colloquium serves to introduce and expand upon subject-specific methods of academic research and to ›enlighten‹ students about the steps involved in the process of working on their dissertation. The colloquium also gives participants the opportunity to present their research as a work in progress and to exchange ideas with their fellow doctoral candidates. It also serves to promote networking among doctoral candidates. The colloquium allows for the exchange of experience, helping participants to become familiar with issues that may arise while working on a dissertation before such issues crop up in their own work. It therefore fosters a better understanding of the nature of new questions that arise when working on one’s own topic and to develop strategies for answering them, thereby raising and securing the quality of the work and ensuring that undesirable developments are avoided.
The colloquium is also open to those who are planning a dissertation or other independent research work.
The colloquium takes place online every other Friday at 10 am.