
Current Ph.D.

Completed Ph.D.

Christina Anna Kloke, 2015
»Das Manifest als Medium der Rezeptionssteuerung im Architektur- und Designdiskurs.«
Gutachter: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Hans-Rudolf Meier, Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Carsten Ruhl

Peter Vormweg, 2013
»Die Entwicklung der Neugotik im westfälischen Kirchenbau von den Anfängen gotischer Stilrezeption bis zur dogmatischen Phase.«
Gutachter: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Georg Lippert (Technische Universität Dresden), Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Hans-Rudolf Meier

Haie-Jann Krause, 2011
»Kallmeyer und Facilides. Eine Architektengemeinschaft im Kontext ihrer Entwicklung
von konservativen Gestaltungstendenzen zur Baukunst der Moderne.«
Gutachter: Prof. i.R. Dr. phil. habil. Dieter Dolgner (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle), Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Carsten Ruhl

Colloquium for doctoral candidates

The colloquium serves to introduce and expand upon subject-specific methods of academic research and to ›enlighten‹ students about the steps involved in the process of working on their dissertation. The colloquium also gives participants the opportunity to present their research as a work in progress and to exchange ideas with their fellow doctoral candidates. It also serves to promote networking among doctoral candidates. The colloquium allows for the exchange of experience, helping participants to become familiar with issues that may arise while working on a dissertation before such issues crop up in their own work. It therefore fosters a better understanding of the nature of new questions that arise when working on one’s own topic and to develop strategies for answering them, thereby raising and securing the quality of the work and ensuring that undesirable developments are avoided.

The colloquium is also open to those who are planning a dissertation or other independent research work.

The colloquium takes place online every other Friday at 10 am.