Streets, alleys, promenades and boulevards together form the group of linear public spaces. They characterize the appearance of the cities like hardly any other free space typology. In contrast to parks and squares, which, because of their limited space and bundling function, are usually special spaces, roads form the basic framework of a city. In addition to the general characteristics of roads, to connect places and to ensure the transport of people and goods, they are used above all for living, trade and work. For this reason, they influence the cultural, social, economic and increasingly ecological nature of cities and undergo continuous change processes. In particular, the seminar deals with the reasons, aims and results of this transformation and attempts to derive general topics through documentation, categorization and interpretation that could be of importance in the current urban discourse (Conversion of the car-friendly city, Development of environmentally friendly mobility, productive City, roads as green infrastructures). Against the background of historical circumstances, social circumstances and spatial factors, selected linear public spaces are analyzed and reflected on both textually and graphically.
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