
Conference logo @Israel Tesfu
Published: 26 February 2024

EIABC and Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - Joint Conference and Workshop Week

Building Resilient Infrastructure: Towards Sustainable Urban Transition

The purpose of this joint conference was to convene stakeholders from the construction industry, the public sector, academia, and civil society to join forces in exploring how the prospects of the built environment can be shaped for sustainable and flourishing urban transition in Ethiopia.

The conference has facilitated the exchange of knowledge, collaboration, and planning for action as well as produced specific recommendations and action plans as outputs.

Through research showcasesdiscussion of policy frameworks, assessment of financial mechanisms, and governance structure, the conference focused on fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration; demonstrating the interlink between urban infrastructure, sustainability, and climate change; and identifying key challenges and opportunities in building resilient infrastructure.

The conference hasbrought together experienced engineers, operational managers and university teachers from Ethiopia with up-to-date researchers from Europe. Latest research developments werematched with the challenges of the Ethiopian market situation.

Enhanced understanding of resilient infrastructure concepts, challenges, and opportunities; dissemination of best practices, innovative technologies, and successful case studies; policy recommendations and frameworks for resilient infrastructure development; strengthened collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders; and creation of a platform for ongoing knowledge exchange and future research collaborations werethe main outcomes of the conference.

Sub-themes of the Conference:

·   Resilient Infrastructure Planning and Design

·   Smart Infrastructure and Digitization for Enhanced Resilience

·   Infrastructure Management

·   Project Delivery Methods for Resilient Infrastructure Investment

book of abstracts and certificate
During one of the panel discussions
During one of the presentations