Dr. Sven Schneider
Researcher of INUMO research project, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (since 01.2021)
Head and Researcher of IN3 research Project, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (01.2017-12.2020)
Sven is a lecturer and researcher in the field of architectural planning support systems. He is interim professor for the chair of computer science in architecture at the Bauhaus-University Weimar and founding partner of DecodingSpaces GbR. He studied applied computer science at TU-Chemnitz and graduated in architecture at the TU-Dresden and BU-Weimar. He completed his PhD in 2016 on the topic of automated spatial layout design from a user-perspective. His main research interests lie in the development of measures for evaluating the built environment and generative methods for supporting the design process. He was and is engaged in and coordinating several state-funded research projects and has published a number of articles on generative methods for spatial layout design and analysis on the architectural as well as urban scale.
Phone: +49 3643 / 58 4205
e-Mail: sven.schneider[at]uni-weimar.de
Research Projects:
- 2009 - 2010 nuBau (Methoden und Baustoffe zur nutzerorientierten Bausanierung)
- 2009 - 2011 KREMLAS (Entwicklung einer kreativen evolutionären Entwurfsmethode für Layoutprobleme in Architektur und Städtebau)
- 2012 - 2015 FOGEB (Forschergruppe Green Efficient Buildings)
- 2014 - 2018 ESUM (Analysing trade-offs between the energy and social performance of urban morphologies)
- 2014 - 2017 ILCO (Integrierte Lebenszyklusoptimierung)
- 2016 - 2020 IN³ (Integrated Infrastructure)
- 2018 - 2020 VRDB (Virtual Reality for User Centered Train Stations)
- 2018 - 2020 DigiWo (Digitaler Wohnbau)
- 2020 - 2022 OpenVREVAL (Offenes Framework zur Virtual Reality basierten nutzerzentrierten Bewertung von Gebäudeentwürfen)
Teaching Activities:
- Design Studios on evidence based architectural design (Design by Research)
- Design Studios on Integrated Urban Development and Design (IUDD)
- Lecture Series on Computational Design Methods
- Seminars on parametric urban modeling, generative design, building information modeling and user-centered design analysis
Selected Publications:
König, R. & Schneider, S. (2019) Evaluation of systems for video-based online teaching - Create your own MOOC or SPOC, Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 1, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 109-116.
Bielik, M., König, R., Fuchkina, E., Schneider, S., & Abdulmalik, A. (2019). Evolving configurational properties - Simulating multiplier effects between land use and movement patterns. 12th Space Syntax Symposium, Beijing, China, 279:1 - 279:19.
Bielik, M., Schneider, S., Kuliga, S., Griego, D., Ojha, V., König, R., Schmitt, G. & Donath, D. (2019). Examining Trade-Offs between Social, Psychological, and Energy Potential of Urban Form. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(2), 52.
Morschek, J.; Koenig, R.; and Schneider, S. (2019) An integrated urban planning and simulation method to enforce spatial resilience towards flooding hazards. Symposium on Simulation for Architecure and Urban Design (SimAUD), Atlanta, USA, 1–8.
Schneider, S., Kuliga, S., Weiser, E., Kammler, O. & Fuchkina, E. (2018) VREVAL - A BIM-based Framework for User-centered Evaluation of Complex Buildings in Virtual Environments. Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe) - Volume 2, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 833-842.
Bielik, M., König, R., Schneider, S., & Varoudis, T. (2018). Measuring the Impact of Street Network Configuration on the Accessibility to People and Walking Attractors. Networks and Spatial Economics. 18 (3), 657-676.
Koenig, R., Bielik, M., & Schneider, S. (2018). System Dynamics for Modeling Metabolism Mechanisms for Urban Planning. Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD 2018). Delft, Netherlands.
Dennemark, M., Aicher, A., Schneider, S. & Hailu, T. (2018) Generative Hydrology Network Analysis - A parametric approach to water infrastructure based urban planning. 36th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe) - Volume 2, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 327-334.
Fuchkina, E., Schneider, S., Bertel, S. and Osintseva, I. (2018) Design Space Exploration Framework - A modular approach to flexibly explore large sets of design variants of parametric models within a single environment. Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe) - Volume 2, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 367-376.
Kuliga, S., Standfest, M., Bielik, M., Schneider, S., König, R., Donath, D., & Schmitt, G. (2018). From Real to Virtual and Back: A multi-method approach for investigating the impact of urban morphology on human spatial experiences. The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design: Perspectives, Practices and Applications, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 151–169.
Treyer, L., Griego, D., Kuliga, S., Bielik, M., Schaeben, C., Ojha, V. K., Standfest, M., Schneider, S.; Koenig, R., Donath, D. & Schmitt, G. (2018) Machine learning approaches to understand the influence of urban environments on human’s physiological response. Information Sciences, 474: 154–169.
Abdulmawla, A., Schneider, S., Bielik, M. & Koenig, R. (2018) Integrated Data Analysis for Parametric Design Environment - mineR: a Grasshopper plugin based on R. 36th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe) - Computing for a better tomorrow, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 319–326.
Bielik, M., König, R., Schneider, S., Varoudis, T. & Donath, D. (2017). Aggregated Social Accessibility—Predicting walkability based on the social potential of spatial networks. Environemnt and Planning B.
Bielik, M., Emo, B., Schneider, S. & Hölscher, C. (2017). Does urban density follow centrality? Empirical study on the influence of street network centrality on urban density and its implications for the prediction of pedestrian flows. 11th International Space Syntax Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, 46:1 – 46:13.
Tschetwertak J., Hollberg A., Schneider S., Donath D. & Ruth J. (2017) A matter of sequence - Investigating the impact of the order of design decisions in multi-stage design processes. CAADFutures, Istanbul
Schneider, S., Abdulmawla, A., Bielik M. & Donath, D. (2017) The effect of the street network on movement patterns and land use in small cities - A Case study with five 10K cities in Thuringia, Germany, 11th Space Syntax Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, 110:1 – 110:15.
Triemer, M., Schneider, S. & Donath, D. (2017) Detecting Activity Patterns in Dwelling Floor Plans – Designers assumptions about activity locations and their correlations to local and relational spatial properties, 11th Space Syntax Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, 29:1 – 29:19.
Dietrich, S., Schneider, S. & Demin, D. (2017) RhinoRstab - Introducing and testing a new Structural Analysis Plugin for Grasshopper3D. 17th International Conference CAAD Futures 2017, Istanbul, Turkey, 128-136.
Schneider, S. (2016) Sichtbarkeitsbasierte Raumerzeugung - Automatisierte Erzeugung räumlicher Konfigurationen in Architektur und Städtebau auf Basis sichtbarkeitsbasierter Raumrepräsentationen, Dissertation, Bauhaus Universitätsverlag, Weimar, Germany.
Hijazi, I. H., Koenig, R., Schneider, S., Li, X., Bielik, M., Schmit, G. N. J., & Donath, D. (2016). Geostatistical analysis for the study of relationships between the emotional responses of urban walkers to urban spaces. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 5(1), 1–19.
Bielik M., Schneider S., Kuliga S. & Donath D. (2015) Investigating the effect of urban form on the environmental appraisal of streetscapes. 10th International Space Syntax Symposium, London, England, 119:1 – 119:13.
Frölich J., Schneider S., Kuliga S., Bielik M. & Donath D. (2015) Raumsynth – An experimental setup for Investigating the relationships between urban form and spatial experience based on Fechner’s Method of Production. 10th International Space Syntax Symposium, London, England, 122:1 – 122:14.
König R., Schneider S., Hijazi I., Bielik M., Schmitt G. & Donath D. (2014) Using geostatistical analysis to detect similarities in emotional responses of urban walkers to urban space. Design, Computing & Cognition 2014 (DCC14), London, England.
Schneider S., Tonn C, Bielik M, Donath D & Ruth J. (2014) Real-Time Solar Analysis – Introducing A GPU-Based Method For Calculating Solar Related Performance Criteria In The Early Design Stages. Building Simulation and Optimization (BSO14), London, England.
Schneider S., Bielik M., Donath D., Triemer M., Tschetwertak J. & Hollberg A. (2014) Rapid Data Collection using Automated Model Generation and Performance Evaluation - A workflow for morphological studies of apartment floor plans. 32nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe), Newcastle, England, 303-311.
Bielik M., Schneider S., Geddert F. & Donath D. (2013) Addis Building Configurator: Computational design tool for efficient planning of mass housing in Addis Ababa. 31st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe), Delft, Netherlands, 109-116.
Schneider S. & Donath D. (2013) Can form follow energy? – Critical factors in modelling for computational design optimization. Sustainable Building Conference (SB13), Graz, Austria.
Schneider S., Donath D. & Hölscher C. (2013) Design by Research - Dokumentation eines studentischen Entwurfsprojektes. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany.
Schneider S., Kuliga S, Hölscher C, Conroy-Dalton R, Kunert A, Kulik A. & Donath D. (2013) Educating architecture students to design buildings from the inside out - Experiences from a research-based design studio. 9th International Space Syntax Symposium, Seoul, South Korea, 1:1 – 1:18.
Lichtenheld T., Klüber N., Schneider S., Ruth J. (2013) Einsatzgrenzen von Bilanzierungs- und Simulationstools für die Energieanalyse in der frühen Planungsphase von Gebäuden. Bauphysiktage 2013, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Schneider S. & Donath D. (2013) Topo-metric variations for design optimization - Introducing a Generative Model for simultaneously variing metrical and topological properties of facade geometry. 31st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe), Delft, Netherlands, 487-495.
Koenig R. & Schneider S. (2012) Hierarchical structuring of layout problems in an interactive evolutionary layout system. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM) 26(2), 129-142.
Schneider S. & Koenig R. (2012) Exploring the Generative Potential of Isovist Fields - The Evolutionary Generation of Urban Layouts based on Isovist Field Properties. 30th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe), Prague, Czech Republic, 355-363.
Schneider S., Koenig R. & Knecht K. (2012) Investigating the impact of topological properties of two-dimensional layouts on aesthetic preference. 22nd Bienial Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA), Taipei, Taiwan.
Koenig R., Schneider S. & Knecht K. (2012) KREMLAS: Entwicklung einer kreativen evolutionären Entwurfsmethode für Layoutprobleme in Architektur und Städtebau. Verlag der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany.
Schneider S., Bielik M. & Koenig R. (2012) Parametric Exploration of Spatial Properties - Coupling parametric geometry modeling and graph-based spatial analysis. Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD), Orlando, Florida, 123 - 129.
Bielik M., Schneider S. & Koenig R. (2012) Parametric Urban Patterns - Exploring and integrating graph-based spatial properties in parametric urban modelling. 30th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe), Prague, Czech Republic, 701-708.
Schneider S. & Koenig R. (2012) Real-Time Visibility Analysis - Enhancing calculation speed of isovists and isovist-fields using the GPU. Design Decision Support System, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Schneider S. & Koenig R. (2012) Visibility-based Floor Plan Design – The Automatic Generation of Floor Plans based on Isovist Properties. Spatial Cognition for Architectural Design (SCAD), New York, USA.
Schneider S., Braunes J., Thurow T. & Koenig R. (2011) Design Versioning: Problems and possible solutions for the automatic management of distributed design processes. CAAD Futures, Liège, Belgium, 669-681.
Schneider S., Koenig R. & Pohle R. (2011) Who cares about right angles? Overcoming barriers in creating rectangularity in layout structures. 29th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design (eCAADe), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 361-367.
Schneider S., Fischer J.R. & Koenig R. (2011) Rethinking Automated Layout Design: Developing a Creative Evolutionary Design Method for the Layout Problems in Architecture and Urban Design. Design, Computing and Cognition (DCC), Stuttgart, Germany, 367-386.