
Bike transport as a driver for agritourism

Master Thesis by Nguyen Thi Thuy
Study Programme Integrated Urban Development & Design

In this Master Thesis Nguyen Thi Thuy creates a proposal for a bike network in the Hanoi Metropolitan Region. Therefore she develops an algorithm for calculating bike paths based on different user demands.

Bike transport as a driver for agritourism - Nguyen Thi Thuy (IUDD Thesis, 2021)

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This thesis on the generation of a cycle-tourist network consists of theoretical as well as design-related elements. It deals with network design problems encountered in setting up the most attractive and comfortable itinerary for different groups of cycle-tourists. This is the case of Hanoi Capital region in connecting the three Eco-towns inside the Green Corridor for leisure activities. Many factors and parameters are needed to be taken into account concerning the optimal route for cycle-tourist itineraries. Suitable cycling paths are identified and extracts from modelled routes between entrance points to the development area, public transportation stops, the Eco-town centers and Points of interest, taking into account different user preferences using computational network analysis. Finally, different scenarios for the design bikeways network devoted to recreational cycling infrastructure are generated with the aim to serve as a support tool for local administrators.