Study projects

Project results, events, excursions

The aim of the interdisciplinary approach in the study programme is to provide students with a holistic view of integrated approaches to urban development and to apply appropriate methods. This is implemented in a "Study Project" in the second semester, which is interdisciplinary in nature and where students practice their acquired skills on current topics with the guidance of professors. The study project focuses on a specific problem solution and combines scientific analysis methods with design and creative skills. The students' teamwork skills are promoted through collaboration in international teams. This page shows projects results, as well as excursions and events that took place within the scope of the Study Project. Furthermore, other events and smaller workshops are listed here.

Study project: RothNEUsiedl - Planning process for a future-oriented urban development

The Study Project worked on an area located in Vienna: the “RothNEUsiedl.” This urban development aims to support the city’s urban growth with its future-oriented goals. The district is to be created as a role model not only in terms of climate resilience and adaptation but also in the promotion of social and cultural diversity. The students seeked to further develop the winning concept by worked on certain topics, one of which was urban agriculture.

Excursion to Vienna

Excursion to Vienna between the 20th and the 23rd of May 2024 for the students in the study projects "Adaptive urban masterplans for Pidzamche in Lviv" and "RothNEUsiedl – Planning process for a future-oriented urban development".

Excursion to Ethiopia 2023

As part of the Study Project „Integrated Urbanism - Adaptive Planning Strategies for Rural-Urban Transformation in Ethiopia“ in the Master’s programme Integrated Urban Development and Design (IUDD) in summer semester 2023, a group of 12 students and one teacher from Weimar made its way for a research and study trip to Ethiopia from 07.-14, 2023.

Revitalizing cities through placemaking - symposium

The symposium presents collaborative processes of placemaking by which communities shape their public realm to create shared value, providing beneficial outcomes aound social inclusoin, economic development and partcipatory democracy.

Students honoured at the Global Schindler Award 2015

Two of our students, Hoai Phuong Tran and Xuan Duong Bui, received an honourable mention for their design work for the Global Schindler Award in Shenzhen (China) on 30 April 2015. The competition, which was endowed with 150,000 US dollars, aimed to develop sustainable planning concepts for the rapidly growing Chinese metropolitan region of Shenzhen.