Study projects

Projects and Events

The aim of the interdisciplinary approach in the study programme is to provide students with a holistic view of integrated approaches to urban development and to apply appropriate methods. This is implemented in a "Study Project" in the second semester, which is interdisciplinary in nature and where students practice their acquired skills on current topics with the guidance of professors. The study project focuses on a specific problem solution and combines scientific analysis methods with design and creative skills. The students' teamwork skills are promoted through collaboration in international teams. This page shows projects results, as well as excursions and events that took place within the scope of the Study Project. Furthermore, other events and smaller workshops are listed here.

Project results, events, excursions

Common Senses and Challenges

Ten years Advanced Urbanism: Common Senses and Challenges in Chinese and German Urban Development

  • Common Senses and Challenges in Chinese and German Urban Development

    Anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens des gemeinsamen Doppelabschlussprogramms des Instituts für Europäische Urbanistik (IfEU) der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar und dem College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) der Tongji University Shanghai stellten Lehrende beider Institutionen in diesem kleinen Symposium unterschiedlichste Sichtweisen zur derzeitigen Entwicklung von Städten in Europa und China vor, gemeinsame Bedingungen und Herausforderungen werden diskutiert.


