XI. International Model Project Forum 2011
Dedicated to practice-based knowledge-exchange in an academic context, the XI. Model Project Forum presented an array of approaches. Reflecting challenges and solutions of today's urbanist practice, students present the various spatial scales and creative methods they dealt with.
11th International Model Project Forum
As part of the unique academic profile in the interdisciplinary master programme ‘European Urban Studies’ international experts from the institute’s Model Project Partners present and discuss their current projects in research, practice and administration with the ‘young professionals’, the postgraduate students of the programme.
The city as a steadily changing realm is depending from a multitude of factors and stakeholders that urbanists, planners, developers, politicians and last but not least citizens have to deal with. Factors like the demand and intention to create a sustainable environment interfere with society’s current organisation of space, while the ambition to sustain and regenerate urban space may for instance collide with the situation of diminishing population. Interests and actors are manifold as well as the ideas that are finally communicated as a strategy and more concrete as a spatial or architectural design proposal, often linked to a certain image, dedicated to communicate a concept and narrative ‘behind’ the image.
Tagungsort / Veranstalter:
Institut für Europäische Urbanistik (IfEU), Masterprogramm „Europäische Urbanistik“, Albrecht-Dürer-Straße 2, 99425 Weimar, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Fakultät Architektur.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig Kontakt: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Philippe Schmidt MSc, Tel. +49-03643-582651, Philippe.Schmidt@uni-weimar.de Tagungssprache: Englisch, Anmeldung: Iris.Berles@uni-weimar.de
XI.International Model Project Forum ‘European Urban Studies’
Institute for Europäische Urbanistik (IfEU), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Belvederer Allee 5, Weimar, 16.02. - 18.02.2011
Mittwoch 16.02.2011Welcoming conference outline
Prof. Dr. Gerd Zimmermann, Rector of the University
Prof. Bernd Rudolf, Dean of the faculty of architecture
Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Institute Director
Philippe Schmidt, Coordinator of the Model ProjectsOPENING LECTURE:
Sustainable Development Strategies in Real Estate Asset Management
Axel Kraus, SEB Investment, FrankfurtParticipatory Processes for Design and Development - an Imperative for Sustainable interventions
Ron Shiffman, Pratt Institute, New York CityDonnerstag 17.02.2011
Presentations of Model Projects by students – each followed by a short discussionWelcoming conference outline
Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Institute Director
Einführung zum Forum
Philippe Schmidt, Conference organizer
SESSION A: Re-Inventing the Neighbourhood
09:20 - 10:20 Moderation Philippe Schmidt
Fabricating urban myths: Cultural revival and urban spatial transformation in Foshan |Grace Fung Yee Yeung
Changing the Image of Mümmelmannsberg: A rotten apple turns green | Miechel De Paep
Transforming with imagination. The urban transformation of Luchtbal, Antwerp | Karin Schwambach
SESSION B: Reading spatial patterns
10:50 - 12:00 Moderation Dr. Bernhard Stratmann
Between mountains and traditions – strategic approaches to the growth of Jena | Juliane Zwinkmann
Interfering in urban morphology. Three Dutch case studies |Vinayagam Natarajan
RE:shaping the city. Catalyzing London through the Waterloo area | Brigitte Hötz
SESSCION C: Communities – Beyond the prevailing image
13:00 - 14:00 Moderation Dr. Bernhard Stratmann
mediation in Eisleben |Tina Tuchscheerer
Olympia for London, Hyperlympics for Newham and the question of work, live and game |Jennifer Nitschke
The Gelmeroda Project: Beyond the Image of Culture | Leon Alegria-Ortiz
14:20 - 15:20 Moderation Philippe Schmidt
Assessing health boundaries for New York communities | Vasilis Kitsos
Planning in a Sinuously Populated Town | Tania König
Three churches: Energy costs reduction as a catalyst for sustainable neighborhood initiatives | Volker Katthagen
Guided Bauhaus-Tour (UNESCO World Heritage Site) starting at IfEU
URBAN NIGHT FLIGHT | Model Project Evening @ IfEU
“Zweitsemester” students from the Master Programme European Urban Studies are welcoming with International SpecialitiesModel Project Party & Alumni reception
6th Alumni Award European Urban Studies, convened through AFEU e.V.
Lectures by the prize winners
Hannah Hesse, GKV Architects, New York City
Stefan Lazarevski, TAJFA Architects, LLC, KumanovoNew Ideas for Media Spree. A cooperative project with Model Project Partner Inbo
Philippe SchmidtFreitag 18.02.2011
09:00 - 10:00, Introduction of Project Partners – Large Panel
Comments on the student presentations
Moderation Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig
SESSION A: Understanding urban models
10:30 - 12:00 Moderation Philippe Schmidt
Swimming In Images | Lindsay Webb, PTW Architects, Sydney
Garden City: A changing role model for contemporary urban development |Dr. Matthias Lerm, Dezernat für Stadtentwicklung,Jena
Neighbourhood Development through urban projects |Johan Van Reeth, BUUR Bureau voor urbanisme, Leuven
SESSION B: Strategic development and the urban realm
13:00 - 14:30 Moderation Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig
Project Management - Between Integration + Innovation | Uwe Drost, D&K Drost Consult, Hamburg
Smart strategies in contemporary urban planning |Jeanet van Antwerpen, Inbo, Amsterdam
Visualising and simulating urban activity |Christian Schwander, Space Syntax, London
SESSION C: From neighbourhood to active community
14:50 - 16:20 Moderation Philippe Schmidt
Beyond the images: New tools, strategies and tactics for a changing society | Michael Obrist, feld72, Wien
Changing Urban Images in Saxony-Anhalt – the ‘IBA urban redevelopment’ Strategies of Dessau-Roßlau and Halle Saale |Tore Dobberstein, Complizen Planungsbüro, Berlin
Post-Industrial Cities? | Joan Byron, Pratt Center for Community Development, Brooklyn, New York
Research and Practice in the international context of urbanism
Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Philippe SchmidtFurther Model Project Partners in the year 2010
Büro für urbane Projecte, Leipzig
P&T International Inc., Hong Kong