
XIII. International Model Project Forum 2013


  • XIII.International Model Project Forum ‘European Urban Studies’

    Institute for Europäische Urbanistik (IfEU), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Belvederer Allee 5, Weimar, 21.02.2013 - 22.02.2013


    08:30 Registration

    Welcoming conference outline 
    Prof. Bernd Rudolf, Dean, Faculty of Architecture
    Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Institute’s Director
    Dr. Frank March, Elfriede Thron, Leonardo-Büro Thüringen, TU Illmenau

    Introduction to the Forum
    Philippe Schmidt, Conference Organizer


    Presentations of Model Projects by students – each followed by a short discussion


    Moderation: Philippe Schmidt, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    EU Spatial Strategies: Integrating Central Europe | Karl Eckert (USA)

    Bedford Stuyvesant’s Brownfield Opportunity Areas – A Tool To Meet The Emergence Of

    Community-Based Planning in New York City | Gwendolyn Galedary (Germany)

    New Towns, New Territories: Between Government and Market | Elis Mutlu (Turkey)



    11:00 - 12:00, Moderation: Dr. Bernhard Stratmann, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    Greenbelt and its effect on the growth of a Megacity | Sohana Afroze (Bangladesh)

    Challenges to the old city Sana'a | Elza Noman (Yemen)

    Integrated Transport Planning and Management for Sustainable Development, The case Study of Hanoi | Xuan Nguyen Thanh (Vietnam)



    13:20 - 14:20, Moderation, Michel de Paep, BUUR, Leuven

    Decoding public space through integration of grassroots cultural movements | Juan Esteban Naranjo (Colombia)

    Public space ... where people want to be | Mehade Hassan Khan (Bangladesh)

    Urban planning in Belgium: Accessible for everyone? | Marina Caldera Gräfin Stillfried (Venezuela)



    14:40 - 16:00, Moderation: Bernd Nentwig, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    "The Heart of the Matter - Revisiting the Alsop Masterplan for Bradford City Centre" | Katja Mitte (Germany)

    Questioning growth - Basels Vision for a harbor development | Stefan Hofmann (Germany)

    Configuration of a 'new hill' in Mersin, Turkey | Didem Ilvan (Turkey)


    Guided Bauhaus-Tour (UNESCO World Heritage Site) starting at IfEU


    URBAN NIGHT FLIGHT | Model Project Evening @ IfEU 

    Model Project Party and Award Lectures (for best master thesis)

    8. Alumni Award European Urban Studies, | AFEU e.V.

    Tihomir Viderman (2nd price), Wien: Discursive production of meaning: Lessons from IBA Saxony-Anhalt


    Friday 22.02.2013



    Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Institute’s Director
    Dr. Muriel Helbig, Head of International Office

    09:20 Large Panel Discussion with model project partners

    Realities between studying and practicing in the field of urbanism and urban research

    Moderation: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Philippe Schmidt, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    10:30 Coffee Break

    11:00 Presentations of Partners and Discussion


    Managing Sustainable Systems for change 

    11:00 - 12:00, Moderation: n.n.

    Thomas Preuß | German Institute of Urban Affairs (DIfU), Berlin: Implementing Circular Flow Land Use Management (CircUse) in Central Europe.

    Matthias Kracht | Institut für Internationale Stadtforschung (InUrban), Berlin: REMON - Real Time Monitoring of Urban Transport - Solutions for Transport Management and Urban Development in Hanoi


    13:30 - 14:30, Moderation: Brendan Cormier, Volume Magazine, Amsterdam

    Barra Mac Ruairí | Strategic Director Regeneration & Culture, City of Bradford District Council, Bradford: Bradford: One landscape, many views.

    Ercan Agiırbas | Ağırbaş/ Wienstroer Architektur & Stadtplanung, Neuss


    Supporting or creating communities?
    15:00 - 16.30, Moderation: Philippe Schmidt

    Paul Kroese | International New Town Institute (INTI), Almere

    Roel Stessens | Director, BUUR | bureau for urbanism, Leuven: Planning for areas in transition

    Marcello Dato | platoon, Berlin

    16:30Closing remarks and end of Forum

    Growing, Ageing, Shrinking - PDF Documents

    click here for more information on the programme

    click here for the poster