
XV. International Model Project Forum 2015


  • XV.International Model Project Forum ‘European Urban Studies’

    Institute for Europäische Urbanistik (IfEU), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Belvederer Allee 5, Weimar, 16.04. - 17.04.2015

    Welcoming conference outline
    Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Head of International Master Programmes, IfEU, Bauhaus
    Philippe Schmidt, Conference Organizer

    OPENING LECTURE: Going Beyond.
    The magazine as research tool Arjen Oosterman, Editor-in-Chief, Volume Magazine, Amsterdam

    Presentations of Model Projects by students – each followed by a short discussion

    SESSION A: From small step to larger adaptation
    10:40 - 11:40, Room 007 Moderation: Srdjan Mandic, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    Urban Development Practice through public participation — Flensburg city in motion, Schiffbrücke | Yan Gao (China)

    Reinvigorating Amsterdam through small steps | Bibhup Prasad Telenga (India)

    Urban Planning and design to set scientific research into action, addressing climate change in cities | Gabriela Torres Morales (Mexico)

    SESSION B: The local and the extra-local: sets for different target groups

    Moderation: Dr. Bernhard Stratmann, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    ReNew Lots - Creative Placemaking as a Tool for Neighborhood Revitalization | Jan Dierk Stolle (Germany)

    Performative Urbanism: challenges and opportunities for shrinking regions | Monika Markova (Bulgaria)

    Tourism as a driving force for the city development: Agra as a case study | Iana Korolova (Ukraine)

    Building with nature and tradition | Aleksandra Blazhevska (Macedonia)

    SESSION C: Connectivity and mobility 
    Moderation: Arjen Oosterman, Volume Magazine, Amsterdam

    Narrating the Realm of Possibilities | Hoai Phuong Tran (Vietnam)

    The Interdependence between Spatial and Mobility Planning - the case of the Flemish Brabant | Mazen Alazazmeh (Jordan)

    New approach to public space in ekaterinburg | Iana Samakaeva (Russia)

    Urbanity by Analysis - Examples from London | Priyambada Das (India)

    SESSION D: Urban linkages
    Moderation: Dr. Liza Wing Man Kam, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    In planning New Towns: How far can we bring changes to the Master Plan | Tofeek Sulieman (Syria)

    Climate-Proof Rotterdam – “The integrated project: Zomerhofkwartier” | Xuan Duong Bui (Vietnam)

    Roots (Routes) of Water – The rehabilitation of a transitory water network | Gerti Gogu (Italy)

    The Transition: From Airfield to Airport City | Abdelrahman Hegazy (Egypt)

    SESSION E: Who sets the frame for whom?
    Moderation: n.n.

    Right to Build | Ion Alexandru Retegan (Romania)

    Urban Planning and socio-natural hazards: Reconstructing Valparaiso after the fire in April, 2014 | Carla Ebel (Brazil)

    Metamorphosis of Saudi Arabian urban fabric: Impact of transit oriented development on the urban fabric identity in Arab-Muslim city: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | Iman Hegazy (Egypt)

    Generation of institutional base for future spatial and economic planning and social development in local levels | Seymur Mammadrza (Azerbaijan)

    Guided Bauhaus-Tour (UNESCO World Heritage Site) starting at IfEU

    URBAN NIGHT FLIGHT | Model Project Evening @ IfEU
    “Zweitsemester” students from the Master Programme European Urban Studies are welcoming with International Specialities

    Friday 17.04.2015


    Institute for European Urban Studies, Room 007

    Welcoming | Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Head of International Master Programmes, IfEU

    Panel Discussion with model project partners Realities between studying and practicing in the field of urbanism and urban research Moderation: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Philippe Schmidt, IfEU, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    Urbanist - Generalist?

    Integrated Planning as a challenge for the future: why urbanists need to be researchers on mobility and traffic planners and designers of urban environment. | Dr. Stefanie Bremer, Orange Edge, Stadtplanung und Stadtforschung, Hamburg

    Brussels – recapture the city! | Riikka Tuomisto, KCAP architects & planners, Rotterdam

    Moderation: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    Planning toward urban design

    Towards sustainable urban futures worldwide. GIZ’s work on urban development. | Lena Weiler, Planner, Urban and Regional Development, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn

    Climate knowledge for advancing urban development in low-income countries | Dr. Nathalie Jean-Baptiste, Department Stadt und Unweltsoziologie

    Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ, Leipzig

    East New York Rezoning Advocacy, Coalition Building for Real Affordable Housing | Josh Eichen, Pratt Center for Community Development, Brooklyn, New York

    Moderation: Dr. Stefanie Bremer, Orange Edge, Stadtplanung und Stadtforschung, Hamburg

    Closing remarks and end of Forum

    Model Project Partners 2014/15 in the Master programme “European Urban Studies”

    Albert Speer und Partner, Frankfurt am Main, Germany | Büro für Urbane Projekte, Leipzig, Germany | BUUR bureau voor urbanisme, Leuven, Belgium | Deltametropool, Rotterdam, Netherlands | De Urbanisten, Rotterdam, Netherlands | Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening – Gemeente DRO Amsterdam, Netherlands | Focus Consultores, Valparaiso, Chile | Frank Feistel, Freier Landschaftsarchitekt, Erfurt, Germany | Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Baku, Azerbaijan | KCAP Architects and Planners, Rotterdam, Netherlands | Orange Edge, Hamburg, Germany | Pratt Center for Community Development, Brooklyn, New York, USA | Space Syntax, London, United Kingdom | SPAP Architektur Stadt Landschaft, Dortmund, Germany | gmp von Gerkan Marg und Partner, Berlin, Germany | gmp von Gerkan Marg und Partner, Hamburg, Germany | Topotek1, Berlin, Germany | UFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung, Leipzig, Germany | Volume Magazine, Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Convener / Veranstalter:
    Master’s Programme European Urban Studies | Masterprogramm Europäische Urbanistik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig, Head of International Master Programmes Institut für Europäische Urbanistik (IfEU)Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    Model Project Coordinator / Conference Organizer:
    Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Philippe Schmidt M.Sc. Institut für Europäische Urbanistik Bauhaus-Universität WeimarTel.: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 26 51E-Mail:

    Reflective Practice in Urban Studies - PDF Documents

    For more information on the programme click here.