XVII. International Model Project Forum 2017
Reflective Practice in Urban Studies
XVII. International Model Project Forum ‘European Urban Studies’
6. – 7. April 2017
9:00 Welcoming & conference outline
Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Director of International Master Programmes ‘European Urban Studies’ and ‘Advanced Urbanism’
Philippe Schmidt, Forum Organizer
9:20 Opening Lecture
The way from Weimar to Hamburg
Xin Lu, ECE Projektmanagement G.m.b.H. & Co. KG, HamburgFORUM PRESENTATIONS
Presentations of Model Projects by students – each followed by a short discussion
SESSION A) 10:00 – 11:00
Moderation: Philippe Schmidt, Institute for European Urban Studies
10:00 Dialogic planning for an integrated urban development: case of urban redevelopment project “Conversion in Heidelberg”
Ashwin Vellore Srinivasan (India)10:20 Redevelopment of the Inner City: Outcomes of the program “Städtebaulicher Denkmalschutz” in the inner city of Leipzig
Nicole Marra Nunes (Brazil)10:40 Adapting social housing to local environments: modelling urban growth in the desert region of Tarapacá, Chile.
Alberto Villa del Campo (Spain)11:00 – 11:20 Short Break
SESSION B) 11:20 – 12:20
11:20 The City in Balance: Urban solutions to manage the demographic growth of the city of Amsterdam
Princesse Samba Makondele (Democratic Republic of Congo)11:40 New infrastructural connections as pillars for urban redevelopment and revival:The case of Northern Amsterdam
Birute Kulviciute (Lithuania)12:00 City Development in the middle east. The concept of sustainability and it contradictions. Space syntax approach
Maria Victoria Behler (Argentina)12:30 Lunch Break (Mensa)
SESSION C) 13:30 – 14:30Moderation: Dr. Bernhard Stratmann, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
13:30 Every Arrival City needs Informal Urbanism
Dilan A. Erkisi (Germany)13:50 #RezoGowanus - Challenges of rezoning former industrial-area Gowanus, NYC
Frederic Schneider (Germany)14:10 Context and time in urban planning: The challenge of a connection between different stages of development and its ambitions
Klára Mitlenerová (Czech Republic)14:30 Coffee Break
SESSION D) 15:00 – 16:00
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig, Institute for European Urban Studies
15:00 Central Geelong spatial modelling, a scientific approach on urbanism
Jose Luis Krug (Portugal)15:20 Hamburg Mesterkamp, from bus deposit to space for living and sharing
Giorgia Di Giorgi (Italy)15:40 Bonding the city and Mercedes-Benz. Mobility HUB in Sindelfingen
Nigora Ishandzhanova (Tajikistan)16:00 Short Break
SESSION E) 16:20 – 17:20
16:20 Sport Urbanism- relation between sport infrastructure and urban design of a city
Nikita Verma (India)16:40 Social and Environmental Aspects of the Wuhan Sport Center
Burcu Cimenoglu (Turkey)17:00 Urban Activation from retail perspective
Shimin Huang (China)17:20 End of Sessions Day 1
17:30 – 18:30 Guided Bauhaus-Tour (UNESCO World Heritage Site) starting at IfEU
19:30 – 23:00 URBAN NIGHT FLIGHT
Model Project Party with International Buffet prepared by 1st semester students
sponsored by AFEU e.V. (Alumni and Friends of European Urban Studies e.V.)FORUM DAY 2
Location: Institute for European Urban Studies Belvederer Allee 5, 99425 Weimar
09:00 Welcoming
Continuation of Model Project Presentations by students – each followed by a short discussion
SESSION F) 9:10 – 10:10
Moderation: Philippe Schmidt, Institute for European Urban Studies
9:10 Urban revitalisation through public participation
Korbinian Kroiss (Germany)9:30 Condensing of participation. Structure as a tool to facilitate a time limited participatory process
Katharina von Hartmann (Germany)9:50 “Deine Geest”: Co-creating Public Space
Aglaja Bitzinger (Austria)10:10 - 10:30 Coffee Break
Lectures by Model Project Partners
10:30 Developing Amsterdam Waterfront
Toine van Goethem, City of Amsterdam Department of Physical Planning and
Sustainability11:00 Buildings – stages of urban life
Ralf Sieber, gmp Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Berlin11:30 Coproduction and city transformation
Susan Eipper, metris architekten und stadtplaner, Heidelberg12:00 Lunch Break
13:30 Finding the best solution by asking the right questions
Christina Kragl, nonconform, Wien14:00 Neighborhood Planning for Justice and Resiliency in Gowanus
Sydney Céspedes, Pratt Center for Community Development, Brooklyn14:30 Coffee Break
15.00 – 16.00 Panel Discussion with Model Project Partners Studying and practicing in the field of urbanism and urban research
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Bernd Nentwig and Philippe Schmidt16:00 Closing remarks and end of Forum