
XXIII. International Model Project Forum 2023


In the winter semester 2022/2023, the group of students presenting at this year's forum will once again have the opportunity to work with colleagues they could meet in real life and share their working time in office spaces that are more than a digital screen can ever achieve. We are delighted that this return to normality means that the XXIII Model Projects Forum can also take place together in a room on site - and with it the all-important direct dialogue between the participants. The one-day student forum in the historic Oberlichtsaal is an indispensable form of exchange both for the ‘returnee group’ from the pilot projects and for the following semester, whose students will be sent to the pilot projects in the coming winter semester.

Forum of Young Professionals:

  • Building Design
  • Urban Design & Building Strategies
  • Strategies for Sustainability Development
  • Requalification of spaces
09:00Prof. Bernd Nentwig, Philippe SchmidtIntroduction Reflective practice in urban studies


SESSION A Building Design
09:10Augustin Azar (Argentina)Cultural heritage and the relationship to the contemporary city: the case of the competition for the Ensemvle Goethes Wohnhaus in Weimar
09:30Egor Gaydukov (Russia)Grafting: small case of urban densification
09:50Iffat Mahmuda Khan (Bangladesh)Architect as an escape artist: designing beyond the constrained smile of society


10:10 - 10:30            Coffee break                                                                                                                                       

Urban Design & Building Strategies

10:30Ali Alkhansa (Lebanon)Ventures in master-planning
10:50 Omar Naamani (Lebanon)Design optimization plan solicitation of Guangzhou Football Park project Guangzhou, China
11:10Aycil Yilmaz (Turkey)A case study in urban transformation: Green Riyadh, Iraqh
11:30Daria Bibartceva (Russia)The future of Aasee in the city of Bocholt
11:50 - 12:40Lunch                                                                                                                                               
SESSION C  Strategies for Sustainability Development
12:40Franziska Verena Paul (Germany)Computational analysis as support for climate adaptation strategies
13:00 Kamila Abbiazova (Russia)Integral design method in public space. Case of Amsterdam
13:20Henriette Charlotte Goldbec (Germany)The integrated Roofscape Guide Amsterdam
13:40Kerrin Ilse Dibbern (Germany)Sustainability compasses a journex to a more sustainable company


14:00-14:20Coffee Break                                                                                  
SESSION D  Requalification of spaces
14:20Shreya Singh (Nepal)Women and mobility: Reflection of practices and experiences from feminist voices
14:40Laura Glock (Germany)Development of planned cities - a comparison of Wolfsburg to Regensburg
15:00David Benjamin Beckert (Germany) Phenix from the waste: Moravias (Medellin) development and history as an informal neighbourhood
15:20Emma Louise Norrington (Australia)Alpine-urban revival, a case study: Ostana, Italy
15:40Roya Bonyad (Iran)Structural concept and urban framework planning for Gladbeck- Brauck South



16:00 - 16:30Final Discussion, End of Forum