Wintersemester 2016/17
Raiza Constanca Costa de Macedo
The entrepreneurial approach of urban revitalisation in the case of Porto Maravilha, Rio de Janeiro
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Phillippe Schmidt, M. Sc.)
Sarah Medina Weiler
Addressing Adaptabele Public Faculties for Metropolitan Fringe Communities - The Case of Shanghai
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt 2. Supervisor: Prof. Yang GUIQING)
Yuliana Abisheva
Community Housing
The study of social and spatial factors that contributes to the community house Formation and development based on the case studies of Sargfabrik community (Vienna, Austria)
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Belinda Rukschcio)
Ali Reza Naqvi
Rational Morphosis of Delhi - The Quest for a Smart City C
A Reflective Study based on Transportation and Mobility components considering Barcelona as a model
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Phillippe Schmidt, M. Sc.)
Sönke Schmacker
Urban Hacking als Ausdruck eines alternativen Raumverständnisses
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Franziska Werner)
Jinia Sharmeen
Research on incorporating Universal Accessibility in Heritage Sites - A Policy Supporting framework for Dhaka City
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. HUANG YI)
Muhammad Fadhil Fachriansyah
The Role of Related Stakeholders´ Engagement on Urban Resettlement Process - Case Study: Kampung Pulo, Jakarta, Indonesia
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. GENG Huizhi)
Lara Kraudy Xochitl Jose
Integration of Urban Structures through public Space. Case Study: Regeneration of Managua´s Lake Waterfront
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. Qing LI)
Mary Carmen Rojas Womutt
Socio-economic Stagnation and its Urban Transformation in Venezuela - Case Study: Caracas
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Franziska Werner, M.A.)
James Neil Stewart
Assessment of Waterfront Development - Case study: The Development of Chao Phraya River in Bangkok, Thailand
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Lan Wang)
Ananya Ramesh
Dynamics of Urban Sprawl: A View of the Citizens
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. Li ZHANG)
Julian Lobo Prince
Residential use patterns in the historical Center of Bogotá D.C., 1995 - 2015: An inclusive housing model in urban renewal and re-densification of the city downtown
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Dott. Mag. Piero Sassi)
Tang Zihong
Experimental Chinese Urbanism: Urban design Practice in Shenzhen
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Phillippe Schmidt, M. Sc.)
Bui Xuan Duong
Hanoi Urban Metabolism as Bridge between Urban Planning Practice and Urban Reality
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Phillippe Schmidt, M. Sc.)
Hoai Phuong Tran
Hanoi Urban Metabolism as Bridge between Urban Planning Practice and Urban Reality
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Phillippe Schmidt, M. Sc.)
Anna Khodyreva
Urban Development in the Built City: Effects of UrbanIndustrial Ssites Reuse
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Antonia Herten)
Cansu Kilciler
Political Symbolism of Urban Place: Istanbul Taksim Square
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Ronny Schüler, M. A.)
Erika Zambrano
Proposal of Sustainable Interventions on Settlements with Environmental Degradation in Vulnerable Urban Marginal Areas
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Dott. Mag. Piero Sassi)
Svenja-Nadine Müller
Regeneration Strategies of the Shrinking Water Town Xinchang, Shanghai
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Nentwig, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Li QING)
Yan Gao
Rebuilding History - DaMing Palace National Heritage Park in Xian as an Example
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Liza Wing Man KAM)
Burcin Baykurt
New map-based Data Visualizations: Is it the Time to Expect more from them?
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Ing. Arch. Martin Bielik)
Aleksandra Kudriashova
Memory, Memorials and Urban space
(1. Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Sigrun Langner, 2. Supervisor: Dr. Daniela Spiegel)
Mohammad Javad Raisi
The interrelationship between social Base and physical Fabric of a historic City to archieve sustainability
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Stefanie Bremer)
Sabrina Schlomski
non-profit Kreativität im Stadtraum
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Arvid Krüger)
Jan-Erik Raupach
Neue Chancen des Miteinanders. Nachbarschaftsentwicklungen durch raumbildende temporäre Interventionen - eine Standortanalyse in Weimar
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Pierre Kramann Muscalus)
Jakob Kratzsch
Zukunftschecks für schrumpfende Dörfer: Diskussion eines Planungsinstruments am Beispiel des Leitfadens zur Bestimmung der Zukunftsfähigkeit ländlicher Siedlungsstrukturen der Stiftung Schloss Ettersburg
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Max Welch Guerra, 2. Supervisor: Ulla Schauber)
Raphael Domin
Fußverkehrsförderung Strategie für das Programm der internationalen Bauausstellung Thüringen
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gather)
Johannes Thierbach
Quartiersentwicklung in Kreuzberg - Stadtplanung im Konflikt mit Gentrifizierung
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Frank Eckardt, 2. Supervisor: Anna Maria Steigemann)
Marissa Elena Groß
Aneignungsarchitektur - Leistbarkeit und Identifikation durch Selbstbau
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Jessica Christoph)
Lena Hocke
Aktuelle Relevanz von Masterplänen am Beispiel von Köln
(1. Supervisor: Prof. Barbara Schönig, 2. Supervisor: Dipl.-Soz. MA Carsten Praum)