The Bauhaus Institute is a unique academic institution in the German-speaking world in its claim to provide a comprehensive academic examination of questions of architecture, heritage conservation, urban development and planning. The spectrum of its research interests includes the exploration of important architectural works, the historic Bauhaus and its international reception, studies on the history of architecture and building history, as well as research on the German, European and non-European history of architecture and its theory, the preservation of historical monuments, urban development and spatial planning, as well as overarching questions with an interdisciplinary orientation. The Institute's methodological approaches and academic perspectives are correspondingly diverse and receive additional impetus from a circle of fellow academics as well as national and international collaborations. In colloquia, workshops, conferences, joint research projects and lectures, there is a regular exchange on current research questions. This enables the Institute to offer optimal research conditions, especially for young academics. The establishment of a research doctorate programme is currently in the planning stage.
2016 wird Professor Ralph Stern, Dekan der Architekturfakultät in Manitoba (Kanada), Fellow am Bauhaus-Institut sein.
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