
Published: 27 May 2019

Call for Abstracts - 2nd urbanHIST Conference: "Interpreting 20th Century European Urbanism"

urbanHIST welcomes abstracts on the main theme of its second conference:"Interpreting 20th Century European Urbanism". As an explicitly interdisciplinary project, we encourage submissions from urbanism, planning, and architectural historians; preservationists; geographers; museum curators; and independent scholars. Abstracts should be related to the following suggested tracks:


1. Writing Town Planning Histories

2. Dissemination and Mobility of Town Planning Ideas

3. History Matters

4. Urban Regeneration in European Cities

5. Discourses of Consumption in Modern Architecture and City Building

6. Cities and the Environment

7. Facets of Modernity in Housing Development

8. Post-socialist transition: Between Conflicts and Legacy

9. Housing beyond State Power

10. The impact of Industrialisation on Central and Eastern European Cities

11. Nature and the City: (Re-)creating Urban Landscapes

12. Rationalised Traffic and Transport as Means for Town Planning


Please find detailed information about the suggested tracks on:


How to Participate

The organizers invite proposals for individual presentations (20 minutes). Please upload your abstract and a short CV on the online submission platform Abstracts should be under 350 words and display the field of research, research question, theoretical and methodological frame as well as the expected results. Please specify the following information: title, track, author and affiliation, and email address. The submission deadline is 24th of June 2019. After a peer review, acceptance or rejection of the abstracts will be communicated between the 26th and the 30th of August 2019. The conference will take place at the Wenner-Gren Center in Stockholm between the 21st and the 23rd of October 2019. It charges no fees but accommodation and travel expenses are not covered. For questions or further information, please contact us via urbanhist[at]


urbanHIST is a multidisciplinary research and training programme aiming at the development and sustainable promotion of a joint understanding of 20th century urbanism in Europe. It is run by four universities in Germany, Spain, Slovakia, and Sweden in cooperation with 13 partner-organizations, and funded within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Innovative

Training Networks (ITN) as European Joint Doctorate (EJD). 15 Early Stage Researchers are working in eight thematic fields, embedded into a network of high-profile academics and practitioners.