
Published: 14 May 2019

Join our discussion and short talks: Against Racism in the University and the Community

"news_subtitle"Thuringia‘s universities are faced with racism in the broad sense of the world and as a specific problem of their own. Students, researchers, and lecturers at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar invite the University community to join external experts in reflecting on the issue of racism as a part of our everyday lives. What forms does racism take? How can we respond to racism through teaching and learning? How can we live up to the social responsibility stemming from this undertaking? main itemprop"articleBody" class "news-text-wrap"

Half of the event will be devoted to open discussion with audience participation.

The event will be held on 15 May at 7 p.m. in German and English with simultaneous translation.

Location: Oberlichtsaal in the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Main Building, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8

7 p.m.
Max Welch Guerra

7.10 p.m.
Media reactions to the Thüringen-Monitor  
Lea Schade

7.20 p.m.
Racism manifested in the University and in the city
Golnaz Sarkar Farshi

7.30 p.m.
1. Public session
Jutta Emes (Moderation)

8 p.m.
Experience at the University of Erfurt
Sabine Schmolinsky

8.10 p.m.
Thoughts on the perception of the colonial racist struture in the University
Aretha Schwarzbach-Apithy

8 p.m.
Self/Reflection and situated knowledge
Julia Bee

8.30 p.m.
2. Public session with podium (for all speakers)
Mats Werchohlad (Moderation)

9 p.m.
Conclusion and outlook  
Jutta Emes
