Institute for European Cities and Urbanstudies
Thursday 7. December 17.00-20.00 und 8. December 9.00-15.30
BUWeimar – Main Building – Oberlicht-Saal (am 7.12.) und IfEU – Seminarroom 7 (am 8.12.)
elodie.vittu[at] und cecile.cuny[at]
Logistics emerged from the restructuring of large groups and the globalization of trade. It organizes the storage and transport of goods from their place of manufacture to their points of consumption, which is a vital function in supplying cities yet an activity relegated to their outskirts. However, logistics has not deserted urban centres: Businesses, offices and private individuals are generating a growing demand for logistics, which has been exacerbated by the recent health crisis. This industry must also be adapted to dense urban contexts where public policies are simultaneously trying to limit CO2 emissions, visual and acoustic pollution or traffic congestion. While "City Logistics" offers a range of real estate and mobility solutions designed to meet these challenges, the activities it covers (handling and delivery of small parcels) are also based on work organisations that combine old forms of precarious work with automation and rationalisation technologies. In this conference, these challenges will be explored starting from the local context of the Bauhaus University and the logistical flows that connect it to other spaces in the state of Thuringia.
Institut für Europäische Urbanistik
Donnerstag 7. Dezember 2023
17 Uhr – 20 Uhr
BUWeimar – Hauptgebäude – Oberlicht-Saal
elodie.vittu[at] und cecile.cuny[at]
Die Logistik ist an allen unseren täglichen Aktivitäten beteiligt und der Betrieb einer Universität stützt sich auf eine logistische Infrastruktur, die in Eigenregie durchgeführt oder an spezialisierte Dienstleister vergeben wird. Dieser erste Teil des Programms wird die Akteure, die Politik und die Skalen vorstellen, in die die logistischen Ströme eingebettet sind, die die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar mit anderen Räumen in der Stadt, ihrem Umland oder im Land Thüringen verbinden.
Grußwort von Ulrike Kuch, Vizepräsidentin für gesellschaftliche Transformation, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
- Cécile Cuny, Der fehlende Link: die logistischen Ströme von der BUW sichtbar machen
- Bachelor Urbanistik (unter der Leitung von Tanja Potezica), Planungsprojekt „Autos Pullover Sockelleisten: Perspektiven für Räume der materiellen Produktion in Thüringen“
- Diskussionsrunde mit
Herr Dr. Henrici, Kanzler der Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Frau Tina Morgenroth, Stadtratsmitglied der Fraktion Mehrwertstadt Erfurt und Koordinatorin der Anlauf- und Beratungsstelle "Faire Mobilität in Thüringen"
N.N., Gewerkschaftssekretär Fachbereich Postdienste, Spedition, Kurier-, Express-, Paketdienste und Logistik, Ver.di Thüringen
Grußwort von
Dr. Ulrike Kuch, Vizepräsidentin für gesellschaftliche Transformation, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Jun. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniela Zupan, Direktorin des Instituts für Europäische Urbanistik, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Institut für Europäische Urbanistik
Friday 8th December 2023
9 am – 3:30 pm
Ifeu, room 007
elodie.vittu[at] und cecile.cuny[at]
This scientific workshop will present a state of the art on urban logistics in Germany and France, based on two perspectives : an urban planning approach will look at how logistics places are produced in cities, and the different urban and architectural forms associated with their development; a sociological approach will examine the impacts of this activity on work, labour markets and the professional and residential mobility of workers in cities.
9:30 am Greeting by Elodie Vittu (BUW) and Cécile Cuny (BUW)
9:45 – 11:30 am Logistical geographies: logistical development and metropolisation
Moderation by Grischa Bertram (Bauhaus University Weimar)
Adeline Heitz (CNAM University): Dualisation of logistics and the future of intermediate logistics in the Paris metropolitan area
Nora Mareï (French National Centre for Scientific Research): Logistical metropolises in transition: Brussels - Paris - Casablanca - Nouakchott
Nicolas Raimbault (Nantes University): New blue-collar jobs, new blue-collar neighbourhoods ? A comparison between Paris and Vancouver
Tanja Potezica (Bauhaus University Weimar): Labour and spatial planning: a socio-economic perspective on the Erfurter Kreuz
11:30 am – 1 pm Lunch
1 – 3 pm Rationalising flows: the city as place of casual work
Moderation by Sandra Huning (Bauhaus University Weimar)
Claire Burban (Nantes University): The spatial dimension of the work of platform delivery workers: Comparing the use of algorithms for the management of delivery workforce in Nantes and Marseille.
Moritz Altenried (Humboldt University Berlin): Urban Logistics: Platforms, Labour, Mobility.
Cécile Cuny (Bauhaus University Weimar): Housing policies as part of labour categorisation: the example of three logistics companies in Paris, Frankfurt/Main and Kassel
3 – 3:30 pm Conclusions
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