The book „Take One Building – Interdisciplinary Research Perspectives of the Seattle Central Library“ highlights interdisciplinary methods for building evaluation, using the Seattle Central Library (Rem Koolhaas OMA/LMN, 2004) as case study. The contributions from internationally renowned researchers of the fields of architecture, architectural criticism, phenomenology, sociology, environmental psychology, and cognitive science are relevant for education, research and practice, since they illustrate the design process, user-centred spatial analyses, and studies of patron’s behaviour, decision-making and experience.
Dr.phil. Saskia Kuliga is a researcher and environmental psychologist at the chair of information science in architecture (InfAR) at Bauhaus University Weimar. The chapters 8 („Emotional Responses to locations in the Seattle Central Library“) and 10 (“Using social media to gather users’ feedback of the Seattle Central Library”) are based on her PhD-studies, which were supervised by the book’s editors, Prof. Christoph Hölscher (ETH Zürich) and Prof. Ruth Conroy Dalton (Northumbria University, Newcastle). With the Bauhaus post-doc scholarship 2017, Saskia investigates how methods from human-computer interaction and virtual reality simulation can support and supplement user-centred planning and the early evaluation of human-environment interactions.
Students can get the book at the university’s library: Np 3100/40
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