Examination Office
Examination Office
Information on the thesis process
In all degree programs (Bachelor's, Master's), the student must submit an application for admission to the final thesis to the relevant examination office. This application is not subject to a submission deadline. However, it will only be processed once all admission requirements have been met (see the relevant examination regulations).
Applications for the registration of theses can be found here.
The examination office will check the admission requirements. If these are fulfilled, the Examination Office will issue an admission certificate, which must be handed in to the relevant professorship.
When the admission letter is handed in, a schedule is drawn up with the student at the professorship. This is then forwarded by the professorship to the Examinations Office, where the official registration takes place.
Period for final theses
(The deadlines can be coordinated with the supervising professorship!)
- Thesis Master from Ma. 2002 (14 weeks)
- Thesis Bachelor Architecture from Ma. 2005 (10 weeks)
- Thesis Bachelor Architecture from Ma. 2008 (14 weeks)
Forms and application documents
Study and exam issues
- Certification of attendance for a class
- Application for second repeat examination
- Application for recognition of academic achievements from abroad / when changing degree program
- Application for equivalence check
- Certificate for equivalence check
- Request for Exmatriculation
- Proof of incapacity for examination due to illness
International issues
- Application for mobility semester (Bachelor Architektur)
- Certification of a mentored internship semester Bachelor of Architecture (German) (Bachelor Architektur)
- Certification of a mentored internship semester Bachelor of Architecture (engl.) (Bachelor Architektur)
- Certification internship by the Chair (Bachelor Architektur)
- Certification partial study by the Chair (Bachelor Architektur)
- Experience Report mobility semester Bachelor Architektur (Bachelor)
- Learning Agreement
Final thesis
- Application for admission final thesis
Please hand in the original form in the examination office
- Process Thesis Study Program Bachelor Architektur
- Process Thesis Study Program Master Architektur
- Process Thesis Study Program Master MediaArchitecture
- Process Thesis Study Program Master MediaArchitecture IMAMS
- Process Thesis Study Program Bachelor Urbanistik
- Process Thesis Study Program Master Urbanistik
- Process Thesis Study Program Master European Urban Studies
- Process Thesis Study Program Master Integrated Urban Development and Design (will be added soon)
Languages can be credited in all degree programs. Language examination results are not automatically reported to the Examination Office. For language courses to be recognized, the relevant confirmation of participation must be submitted to the relevant examination office. You can find this on Stud.IP.
Bachelor of Architecture degree program
up to matriculation year 2010: Exactly one language with 3 ECTS credits can be included in the compulsory elective modules.
from matriculation 2011: Several courses with 3 ECTS credits each can be included in the compulsory elective module Soft Skills.
Master's degree program in Architecture
up to matriculation year 2010: 2 language courses with 3 or 6 ECTS credits can be included in the compulsory elective modules.
from matriculation year 2011: Language courses can be included as elective modules.
General notes
Language examination results are not automatically reported to the Examinations Office. Each student must register the language at the Language Center office after completing the course. Every two months, a list of students is sent to the Examinations Office, on which only the course registrations are noted.
Language courses can only be credited in the semester in which they were completed.
This registration is registered in the Examinations Office and assigned in consultation with the student concerned.
Recognition of courses completed abroad
Study and examination achievements completed during a stay abroad at one of the numerous partner universities can be recognized in accordance with the equivalence agreements of the HRK (HochschulRektorenKonferenz). Please also note the regulations of the applicable study and examination regulations. The following documents must be completed and signed before the start of your stay abroad:
- a signed Learning Agreement (usually required as part of the registration at the partner university) on which the selected courses are noted and participation in the courses is guaranteed
- a transcript of records with all completed coursework and examinations at the partner university
Attention!!! The information on the Learning Agreement and the Transcript of Records must be identical. Changes that occur during the course of the study visit must also be signed by the responsible staff at the home and partner universities.
Architecture degree program - Bachelor and Master
Coursework is recognized by the Examination Board. Please submit the form “Application for recognition of academic achievements from abroad / when changing degree program” with the relevant supporting documents to the Examinations Office.
For the recognition of core or project modules, an equivalence check must always be carried out at the respective professorship.
Compulsory and elective modules are recognized by the examination board. If an assessment is not possible, the Examination Board can request an equivalence examination by the respective professorship.
Recognition of elective modules (only applies to Master's degrees) can be granted in any case.
Information from examination committees
General Information and Study Plans Master Urban Studies
Urban Studies Students can find the study plans and general information on registration for master thesis here.