Your Masters thesis represents your final step towards completing your scientific education. It is meant to exhibit the candidates ability to engage with an issue of the urban realm independently - within three months and by way of scientific methods (see § 9 Abs. 6 Examinations Regulations). Key information on the execution of the Masters thesis are compiled in the below guidelines.
The Thesis Application Form needs to be submitted prior to thesis writing through the students to apply and then being approved for the Masters Thesis writing phase in the Winter semester. The form needs to be submitted until not later than October 10th, 2019. Find more details in the form. Download the form here.
Find more Information on Masters Thesis Procedures here and the requested Performance Control Sheet here.
Statutory Declaration (compulsory for the Master´s Thesis Report).
Example for the Master´s Thesis Cover Page.
Application form for a third Supervisor, if your second Supervisor cannot attend your defense.
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