Karoline Nathalie Brüske
The Politics of Heritage-Making in Joinville:
Negotiations of a City´s Identity
(First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt; Second supervisor: Nicolas Goez M.Sc.)
Michael John Cocciola
Evaluating Weimar´s Food Cluster as a Tool for Regional Resistance and Sustainablility. A dissection of localized networks which contest and sustain Thuringia´s regional development
(First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt; Second supervisor: Anton Brokow-Loga M.A.)
Ömer Altacli
Influencer Culture, Discourses of Consumption, and Commodification of Places on Instagram
(First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt; Second supervisor: Nicolas Goez M.Sc.)
Niloufar Rashid Zadeh
Rethinking Children´s Perspective of Public Spaces and Playgrounds in Dense Cities: Comparison of two Neighbourhodds with Different Social and Economic Strutures, Case Study Munich, Westend and Hasenbergl
(First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt; Second supervisor: Nicolas Goez M.Sc.)
Ha Phan Nguyen Hai
Promoting Spatial Justice and Social Inclusion for the Homeless in Public Space:
Actual problems, challenges, and related issues from the Covid-19 pandemic in the context of Cologne
(First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt; Second supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.Sc.)
Cecilio Pedro Secunza Scott
Socio-spatial materializations of neoliberal housing policies in Mexico – case studies in the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico
(First supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniela Zupan; Second supervisor: Dr. Lisa Vollmer)
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