Anja Sophie Constien
The market potential of the wastewater recovery case study COMPRO and how to raise the acceptance of COMPRO in Havenstad
(First supervisor: Prof. Jörg Londong, Second supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt)
Bahar Amiri
Conservation of Beijing´s urban industrial sites by stimulation societal demands
(First supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig, Second supervisor: Shimin Huang M.Sc.)
Aishwarya Chila
The Social Realm of Public Transit Stations
Analyzing public transit stations with respect to waiting experience and emotions triggered by environmental features
(First supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.A.)
Martina Benetollo
Case Based Reasoning as a Tool for Planning in Rapidly Growing Cities(First supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second supervisor: Dr. Bernhard Stratmann)
Martin Oravec
Urban building energy modeling:
A sustainability & Energy study analyzing design proposals of the Ecovillage Hannover Competition
(First supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard König, Second supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider)
Julien Bitar
Converting underused mobility infrastructure to Vibrant spaces of social cohesion and securety:
Placing street markets in Beirut City
(First supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.A.)
Luisa Correa de Oliveira
Edible Modernism: Algorithm-based spatial Exploration of Urban Agriculture in Brasilia.
(First supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second supervisor: Dipl.-Ing. Philippe Schmidt M.A.)
Subhashree Nath
Slum Upgrading Schemes for Better Liveability: Case of Pune, India
(First supervisor: Vertr.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Schneider, Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. habil. Sigrun Kabisch)
Jakob Moritz Becker
A global building shape study analyzing the influence of building geometry on the potential solar Energy Generation and Energy losses in dense urban areas
(First supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Nentwig, Second supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard König)
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