During your studies for the Bachelor of Science in Architecture, you will learn to draw up architectural designs, concepts and studies. Through practical work in the field and in the context of architectural offices you will gain an insight into the responsibilities of the architect for the environment and society and with respect to history and the client. As part of your studies, you will also learn how to apply your basic knowledge to other fields such as public relations, the social sciences and art.
If you are interested in continuing your education with a more in-depth qualification, your bachelor’s degree enables you to embark on a Master’s degree programme leading to a further or vocational qualification. According to the rules of the German Federal Chamber of Architects, graduates are entitled to enrol in the registry of architects and to bear the professional designation as an architect only after successfully completing a relevant Master’s degree and demonstrating sufficient practical experience (typically two years). An ideal means of obtaining this qualification is to continue your studies with our consecutive Master’s Degree in Architecture.
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