The study course is predominantly project-based with a strong emphasis on social and planning sciences and the architectural and spatial skills required by town planners. Alongside the planning project, the core module, a mix of parallel compulsory and elective modules communicate a fundamental background in the social sciences, design and planning policy. The study course has three main pillars: a strong basis in the social sciences, the architectural design of the built environment and an international orientation.
The course covers a breadth of topics required for the planning professions. The standard duration of this complex qualification is therefore eight semesters.
The core subject areas introduce students to the dimensions of social action required for practicing in the field and that are essential for relevant academic research:
_ town planning and socio-scientific urban research
_ theory, history and politics of the city and planning
_ urban design, housing and urban conservation
_ economics and technical infrastructure of spatial planning
All coursework is conducted in German. In the sixth semester, students spend a period abroad studying at a partner university or working with a practice partner. Students from abroad can spend this semester studying at another university in Germany.
In addition, before beginning the final thesis, students are required to complete 10 weeks of practical experience in Germany. This period gives students an opportunity to examine the German planning culture first-hand and students are expected to apply what they have learned in projects of their own. We recommend placements with planning authorities at an urban or regional level or comparable institutions as well as in public or non-public planning areas, for example in commercial planning offices, non-government organisations or research institutes.
After completion and defence of the final thesis the Faculty of Architecture awards students the qualification of »Bachelor of Science« (B. Sc.). This eight semesterqualification is recognised by the German Federal Chamber of Architects and entitles the holder, on completion of a necessary period in professional practice as a town planner, to officially enrol in the registry of architects.
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